Woodmaster Roofing

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pipe welder

ArboristSite Lurker
Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
east central IL
Do yourself a favor and remove that stupid metal angle trim from the bottom edge of your roof. My unit is only a year old and the trim was full of dirt and leaves, I removed the angle trim and had to wash the crud off with a garden hose. The metal roofing is already rusting where the trim was, might be alright for shipping but when you get that thing permanently set take that little metal angle off.
I have cleaned mine out a time or two.....it does trap leaves and gunk in it. I am thinking this molding needs to be there to keep someone from cutting their forehead on the sharp metal roof edge.....but if the angle could just be moved out enough to allow the debris to pass through I think it would be much better.
I am thinking this molding needs to be there to keep someone from cutting their forehead on the sharp metal roof edge.....

Thats what I was told when I inquired about the "debri catcher" they had installed on mine.
I looked at mine last night and I believe if I take the molding off and straighten the bottom bend a little bit - it will not be so tight up against the metal and will let the smaller debris pass through. The edge of my roof is right at forehead height....and I am sure that when walking past the OWB or some summer when I am mowing I will bump into it. I really don't want to get a scar right where it will be the first thing everyone sees on me.......or on my wife.
It wasn't any big deal I just had to get can of rust stop and repaint the roof. I just think its something that shouldn't have to be done the first year. If they are worried about a head knocker why not use a wider piece of angle and screw it under the bottom edge of the roof sticking out a little past the bottom edge, that way the junk would wash off with the rain and protect your head too. Mine is up on blocks ain't going to hit my head anyway so I'll just leave it off.
Pipe Welder....Do you have a rain cap or "china man's hat" on the top of your chimney? My 4400 is 4 years old and I haven't seen any rust....it does catch a lot of leaves and stuff though.:rock:
Yes I have the rain cap and I also have a 4 foot extension on the chimney. It will burn fine without the extension but mine sits pretty close to the garage and without it I get a smoke smell. I just made some other mods to the unit and as soon as I try them out and figure out the picture posting thing I will start a new thread and report my success or failure, I hope to cut down some wood consumption.
I think the reason your roof is deteriorating is because of that rain cap. The smoke and moisture condensate on the rain cap and it drips down on to the roof. So if your drip cap is plugged, the creosote that dripped down will have a chance to build up and eat away at the roof tin. That's my thought anyways.
I have a lot of black walnut trees around the house. The trash off these is very acidic even eats a built up roof quickly, the bottom line remains the same, there are better ways to make a head protector than creating a trash trap. Up to this point I have not noticed a creosote problem. When I cleaned out the unit I looked up the stack, not enough build up to brush it out.