That seems to be especially true in rural America... in the bigger cities in the midwest, certification helps, but out in the backwoods, wingnut agricultural communities it's just "the gubbermint tryin' to keep workin' folks poor" and "some high-falootin' lefty crap" because they really have no idea what any of it is about. The most common line I hear is, "they've been doing it for a long time" which, in their minds, means that a company knows what they are doing. The last time I heard this was in reference to a tree service that hacks and tops away at trees with abandon, never uses any form of PPE whatsoever, one-hands big saws from a bucket truck, has workers and clients and dogs and children running around under the tree, kicks stuff into the chipper chute with their feet, doesn't own a single hank of climbing or rigging rope, not a single harness of any kind, not a single lanyard or spurs, are never tied in while in the bucket, and buy all of their equipment at utility company auctions. But, they've been doing it for a long time, so they must know what they're doing.