WRAPpin' her up...for the 20th Birthday/Anniversary......

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. AS Supporting Member.
Apr 16, 2011
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She came to me, as one nascent.....from the womb, and has been a faithful cuttin' companion ever since....

She appears, today, gents....in her 'birthday suit'...just as she came forth. Her appearance, gives no hint of
her many years of work, sometimes heavy, and demanding.

You see her, as one...yes, pampered, yet...who has taken and rendered-minimized, stuff to over 40". A veteran of many leaners, hung-ups, and otherwise problematic...as well as the less-involved and mundane. She has, indeed, spun the chain....when needed, 'round the Sugi long-bar....in countless rotations...and still performs as in her youth. She has lost nothing...

She shows the care of a life partner who, while calling upon her to perform...which she does, even to have well-impressed Leeha at a GTG several years ago...has endeavored to treat her right: Though only in-consideration to aesthetics, having most always avoided putting her down on a coarse surface. That, since such a mindfulness and consideration, does surely proceed to all-things-mechanical; oil, fuel, cleaning, care-in-use, etc. -

Leeha asked: "IS it modded...??" I said no, but...actually, had failed to remember, that...she did/had shed her spark-arresting screen, early on. Otherwise, she runs on her Momma's genetic mojo....

- She never complains
- She stores well
- She gets excited when there is work to do, yet always goes back to her room willingly
- Whether she gets a loving cleaning and fussin' over, or just gets put-away, after a project,
she is always ready to run, when next called
- She always accepts me, no matter how-dressed and presenting...
- She has worked in heat that laid-me-down...literally, for a while...and, in winter cold
- She eats whatever she is given
- She rides in the back of the rig, just happy to be with me, going along for the cuttin'....
- I do not take her for-granted; but, appreciate all she is, can do, and does do
- She has, without a defensive, or offensive, comment...taken over when the 090AV would
decide it couldn't go on.....
- She stands-by, most patiently, while the 346s do their lesser part of the job; happy to share...
- She was happy when the 372XPW, quite unexpectedly, came to live with her last year; no
territorial issues, or cat fights.... Perhaps, like a younger sister, both in age, and prowess.
{Even though the XPW is ported/polished and, err, ahh......has a....modded muff.}
- She has graciously welcomed the vintage brethren, happy to have company....and, share
the many stories of exploits, while I sleep. {Sometimes, in a half-asleep state...I SWEAR I
hear the mouthed sound of high revs, and the crackle-and-boom of big 'uns falling, coming
from the basement.... They're staying up late, reminiscing.}
- She has a great sense-of-humor...indeed, is quite the 'cut-up', but is always ready to
put on the serious face, and cut, just plain CUT....

- She is....like a pet WOLF; she has never bitten me, though I understand that it can be in
her genetics to do so; I live with that reality, never lose my respect or mindfulness of what
she is, what she can do. WE have a long-standing relationship of mutual respect...

The wife knows she lives here ; sees her come-and-go periodically, without taking particular thought,
and, has no idea of our relationship. - Might just learn, a LOT, if she were to.....communicate with.....my best girl.

For this, her TWENTIETH, she got a West Coast kit: Full-wrap bar, larger dogs and chain guides, and
a skid/protective plate for the lower-left-bottom case. She seems very happy, and likely feels that her
new appearance more appropriately bespeaks her place here: The Big Dog. - Yes, when the 090AV
was here, she had to find her place...at least in-name, behind him, dubbed the Ultra Dog. But, again,
she managed to do anything HE could do, even when he couldn't go on.... She remains here; he is gone.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY.....my dear, my friend, my eternal cuttin' companion....!!!

You're sure lookin' GOOD, Kid......even after all the years, the cuttin'..... the jumpin' from one bar to another,
which might wear out a lesser lady.

Here's lookin' at ya, Kid.........!

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