suggestion for catching a squirrel.

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Nov 20, 2011
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Squirrel has already eaten 5 of my 6 broccli plants. and has started on my cabbage plants. I cant shoot him because of the location of my beds and the neighbors house. any direction I aim I am pointing directly at someones house, the neighbor or mine, or mu sheds or my shop. I caught a squirrel once in a rabbit box so I know they will go into a box, but he chewed his way out. Any suggestions on what kind of trap to use.
Squirrel has already eaten 5 of my 6 broccli plants. and has started on my cabbage plants. I cant shoot him because of the location of my beds and the neighbors house. any direction I aim I am pointing directly at someones house, the neighbor or mine, or mu sheds or my shop. I caught a squirrel once in a rabbit box so I know they will go into a box, but he chewed his way out. Any suggestions on what kind of trap to use.
There's a live trap made of pretty heavy wire that I don't think the squirrel will chew out of, the trade name is Hav-A-Hart.
Hopefully others have not acquired a taste for your garden as trying to eliminate squirrels from a residential area is going to be challenging.

My father once tried this, like you shooting was not an option. He used a commercial available box baited with sunflower seeds that contained a high voltage circuit to dispatch the offender. This device was very effective however I don't think he ever put a dent in their population.

Good luck!
If you're going to use a live trap, make sure the cage holes are smaller than an inch. I have mine wrapped with ½" square mesh.
I've watched one pop out through the 1" holes.
I can vouch for that, depends on the size of your squirrels.
They are very easy to catch if you chum them into the cage. Corn or any preferred squirrel food works well. Small bits of bait from the squirrels path leading to the opening of the cage door, and inside to the rear where there is plenty of bait to keep them there long enough they trip the trap. They sometimes can reach over the trigger and eat or carry out the bait if its not anchored or placed as it is difficult to do so.
I ended up buying a couple of big rat traps. I have them baited with peanut butter and setting right next to the cabbage plants. I also have a bloody finger from tripping the trap. I dont really have a lot of squirrels running around. I have a big hawk that seems to keep the numbers down. My wife decided to feed the birds with black oil sunflower seeds and I believe thats what drew the squirrels to the house. Bird feeders have been taken down. I also dont own any cats, but I saw cat tracks on the hood of my car today, guess what gets trapped next.
I can vouch for that, depends on the size of your squirrels.
They are very easy to catch if you chum them into the cage. Corn or any preferred squirrel food works well. Small bits of bait from the squirrels path leading to the opening of the cage door, and inside to the rear where there is plenty of bait to keep them there long enough they trip the trap. They sometimes can reach over the trigger and eat or carry out the bait if its not anchored or placed as it is difficult to do so.
I put the bait under the plate so they have to lift the catch to get at the seeds. I put them on top once and came back to an empty trap with no bait.
i don't have much trouble with bushytails but those darn 7 and 13 stripe chippers as well ground hogs are a pain. You will need to nail down the rat traps or steel cable them or the vermin and the trap will disappear. I was grind chains in the basement Tue. evening and a dang voll comes strolling by, claw hammer got it ( only thing handy at the time).
Squirrel has already eaten 5 of my 6 broccli plants. and has started on my cabbage plants. I cant shoot him because of the location of my beds and the neighbors house. any direction I aim I am pointing directly at someones house, the neighbor or mine, or mu sheds or my shop. I caught a squirrel once in a rabbit box so I know they will go into a box, but he chewed his way out. Any suggestions on what kind of trap to use.
I have two or three methods that have worked well. My Sandy loves the squirrel chasing game and she has become very good at it. One time she caught three of them in fifteen minutes and that was while I was watching. First the larger Victor mouse traps works well. Take a drink bottle cap at least an inch in diameter and mount it on the bait tray. Just the protruding wedge is all that is needed most of the time. I buy a bag of critter feed from the hardware store for bait. Then I have a bird cage that I made some modifications to for the racoons and coyotes. Many times I will put the victor trap in the bird cage then the larger animals go in after it and get caught. Once caught they must be relocated. I have caught fifty in one day which I think is my record. Here once the traps are set they need to be monitored or the coyotes will run off with the catch and traps. After about two weeks of trapping there is peace and I can go pick some strawberries. Thanks
The squirrels aren't too bad around here, I have managed to keep them out of the garden by using chicken wire for a perimeter.
They love the bird feeders though too, I just pick them off with my .22 air rifle

The real trouble I have here is moles. Anyone know how to deal with them?
Well, I planted my cabbage plants an put a net around them. That should last until the plants get big enough the squirrels wont hurt them. I set 2 of the large victor rat traps, baited with peanutbutter, but no catches yet. Chicken got out today and made a bee line straight to the bed, netting kept it out so no damage done. My "Pot" taters are up and my jerusalem artichokes are also peeking up. 72f today and people at the garden center where buying mater plants by the arm load. I suspect those same people will be buying more plants in a couple of weeks.
Peanut butter does not work which is why I use critter feed which in most cases does work. Kernels of corn split peas sun flower seeds kernels of oat and a few others also whole peanut not butter. Must have a bait tray. We have draught years where as a bucket with a few inches of water will work well. Thanks

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