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Take off the 7 tooth 325 rim replace it with 8 or switch to 3/8. Service the air cleaner regularly and I doubt it takes any more then other comparible saws. Every 50cc + saw I run with 325 7 took to much gas. I like to have some wood cut before I start refueling saws.
I think he meant it burned more gas because it was being used more often.
I prefer bigger saws but in that class I wouldn't go out of my way to buy anything else. I have a fair amount of hours behind the 346 and 026 and I like the feel of the 026. Haven't noticed the 346 better in handling charactoristics or reliability and I believe it takes up less space in my truck tool box. Mabe the 346 is a bit faster,definately somewhat smoother and better air filteration. They come a long way from making an 026 or 260 obselete in my book.:greenchainsaw:
Wouldn't changing to a .375 chain put *more* strain on the engine...being that its more aggressive?