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ArboristSite Guru
Mar 20, 2002
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I would like a few comments on my past association with a client from others in the industry.

I had been taking my larger vechicles across town for repairs when a new repair shop opened just a couple miles from home. Specialty.....diesel trucks and general repair.

I took chipper truck to him with rusted hole in side of gas tank and some other very minor problem. He quoted me a price of $225.00 for the repairs. I said fine, do it.

When I returned to pick up the truck, the bill was over $550.00. I explained to him I was not happy with the increased amount. He stated "some parts were more expensive than what he thought."
Being the nice guy I am I believed him and went on but remained a little suspicious.

We became acquantainces over the next couple months and we agreed I would be able to keep my vehciles parked on his lot if I supplied him with firewood to heat his shop during the winter...I thought it was a decent deal. I began the process by supplying him with about 12 ricks of wood which he stacked on the property.

A few months later, I decided to have a brake controller installed in my pick up and asked him for a price. After jacking with me for a few minutes he agreed to do the work for $225.00. Seemed okay. I told him to do it if he could have it done by the end of the day.

Took the turck in at 2pm and he told me to give him a couple hours. I returned in 2 hours and found 2 of his mechanics trying to install the unit. They were dumbfounded as to how to make it work. I left, returned after a couple more hours and the guys were still screwing with it. Needless to say the work was not completed that day. The next morning he called and told me I could pick up the truck but the bill was $345.00. I could not believe it. I did not believe he was correct in changing the price without first letting me know. I paid him only the $225.00 which made him a little upset. He attempted to explain to me that he had more time involved than what he had thought.

Two days later, I was talking to the guys who work on my trailer and they informed me that they would have installed a far better unit for $115.00 and it would only take them about 15 min.

Since I was not happy with the unit already installed on my vehicle (I could not seem to make it work the trailer brakes), I returned to the my mechanic and told him since the unit was not working properly if he would remove it and refund my money. He did not like the idea but decided to do it. I then returned to the trailer repair shop and had the unit installed.

I also informed him if he was going to continually add to my repair bills, the deal with the firewood for storage was off. I would remove my wood from his place. He said fine.

Anyway, as I was removing the first 2 ricks he came out and began smart mouthing me. He said I had until noon Sat to remove all of the wood or he would call the police. Being the time was4pm that day and dark was only an hour away, ( and I would not be home Sat) there was no way I could remove all the wood in that length of time by myself. It did not help matters that he intentionally placed obstacles around the wood making it extremely difficult for me to carry the wood (an armload at a time) about 40 ft to the truck. As a result, he kept the wood and I just decided it was not worth the effort .

I just told him I did not believe he was being fair. Needless to say, I have not returned to this individual for further repairs even though it wold be soooooooooooo convenient to do so.

I should have seen the writing on the wall with the first repair and should not have returned for additional screwing.

Sure, there are many times I have mis calculated an estimate, but I do not increase the price simply because of my mistakes in judgement.
Sounds like you should report this guy to the B.B.B.

Brake controllers ARE exceptionally easy to install. He should not be charging you extra because his "mechanics" are too fu*king stupid to figure it out.

I have a similiar problem going on with a motor install on a bucket truck right now. Truck's been there since last year, and all I get are excuses after excuses. I keep popping in at random, to see if they are making the progress they say they are. Should have it by this weekend by the looks. Needless to say, none of my equipment will ever go there again.

Take your stuff elsewhere, and remember the old rule of "word of mouth" being a double-edged sword. Use it!

And yes, I think the FIRST time should have been a pretty good warning, but like most people (me included) I try to see where things are headed.

Hope all works out.
I'd keep an eye on that place and take the wood the first chance I got. I'm sure it's not worth much but it's the principle of it. Or burn it for him on the spot!
I have a weakness of trusting people too, I need to learn to trust my gut more. If if feels wrong it is , every time!
I would just write the wood off as a loss, literally, although you are in a round about way drawing attention to the fact that wood from your jobs becomes income. If you go on his property after the appointed deadline that he stated you may be tresspassing even though it is public access property, and since it is unlikely that there is any way to prove that the wood currently on his property was put there by you, I think you would have a tough case if he did call in the law, YOU may end up being arrested for theft. As far as burning it on the spot, sure it sounds tempting, but how does arson of a commercial property sound? You`re better to just walk away and take your lumps now. You guys call it what you will but I believe it`s God at work, but anyone who cheats others like this will end up paying in one way or another. I don`t mean to suggest that you shouldn`t stand up for what is right and fight back when someone is trying to cheat you, but sometimes it really is a no win proposition. I think he could legally say that you abandoned the firewood even if you could prove beyond all doubt that you actually put it there, and that you hadn`t already received some sort of compensation. Maybe you could win something in small claims court but you will need pictures or other evidence of the quantity involved. Russ
Just something I would do if the problem was not my fault, and I was getting shafted....
1) bend him over
2) find SEVERAL ways to stick it to him up the a$$

I HATE scum bags like that.

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