Husqvarna 55 Rancher leaking oil

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ArboristSite Lurker
Jun 8, 2019
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I've got a Husqvarna 55 Rancher I picked up in '04. Been a terrific saw, used for firewood on my property.

Picked up a battery-powered Husqvarna a few years ago which I really like so the Rancher has been less in use.

Other day I pulled it out of its case to take care of a big Red Oak, probably hadn't been used since last Spring, and there was bar & chain oil all over the bottom of the storage case. When I peeked in the oil reservoir it was empty.

Now I'm not exactly sure how full it was when I put it away but in general I keep that topped off after every tank of gas. I know Husqvarna says to drain oil before storing the saw for a long period, which I'll do in the future, but am I looking at a leak somewhere that should be fixed? I'm not exactly sure where it's leaking out.

I cleaned the reservoir and pump with kerosene a couple years ago, seems like it gets plenty of oil in the bar slot. So it's working fine, it just leaks.

Anybody else deal with this? Is there a particular spot that's prone to leaking? Or should I just not worry about it?


Check the gasket for the cap first. Do you really crank down on the bar studs when tightening them down? Could be the case gasket, if so I'd do bearings and seals while its apart. I always crack the cap to release the pressure then tighten it back down before storage.
Thanks. What am I checking for on the gasket--debris? Wear? I keep it pretty clean but maybe it wears out?

As far as the bar studs, I tighten them down snug but I don't crank on them with all my might. Would that stress the case gasket?

It's been 20 years and I've never had that apart, maybe it's time to.
Thanks everyone I will do some investigating when I get a minute. At least it seems to be pumping oil and keeping the bar and chain lubed, I can deal with fixing the leak once firewood cutting ends (this month!).
All rancher 50, 51, and 55 leak more than any other saws.
If they don’t leak , there is something wrong with them. -lol
I typically see the chain guide plate, (501763201), get beat up and bent and not "sit" correctly on the crankcase. That will cause 501763701

to not seal tightly and press the oil pump down enough to the pick-up tube, (503101601).

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I am working on a 55 as we read. This reply is absolutely spot on. The pump tube sits on a saddle which is the tank supply line. It is then held down with a small rubber saddle. That samll piece will bow, canue, warp.......over time. While the plate will still hold it against the pump tube, and oil will spill from the bar port, those 2 little flat edges do NOT seal, and the leak is so bad, Ray Charles can see it.
I replaced that small rubber saddle. When doing so, I align the pump passage with the oil supply seat, using a torch tip cleaner wire. This is so to avoid getting any sealer in the pump passage. A small film of sealer is applied to that small rubber saddles 2 flat sides, and it is set in place. Let it sit awhile.

The plate will distort over time as well. it should be flat. The dimple on the plate, gently presses down on that little saddle. If distorted, it will apply too much, or very little contact pressure. Well done Chevboy!