It looks like you're using a button lock William. You need to use an HMS biner with the Fixe. The William is an HMS biner - should work "OK". You want to avoid the following (from the Petzl, Fixe instruction sheet):
There's another important point, this is heresay because I dont' use a VT. I've read and have been told that the braids on the VT need to alternate. If one leg of the tresse is always in contact with the lifeline it will 'hockle' the rope on a long descent.
It looks like in the pic that one leg of the friction hitch spirals down in constant contact with the climbing line . It makes sense that it will impart some twist in the rope. When I tried the VT, I had to alternate the wrap so each leg of the hitch was against the rope, then it would not twist.
Is that clear as mud???