The purpose of this thread is to document the comparison of a 390XP, MS660, and 7901. The 7901 is already modded and will be compared to the other two in stock configuration. I will then mod both the 390XP and MS660, and compare them to the 7901 again.
These saws all belong to Matt, aka MCW. This testing is being done at his request and to satisfy your curiousity as well
A 395XP was going to be thrown in the mix, but it was determined that for Matt's purposes, the 390 would be all he might ever need, and is significantly lighter.
The 390XP just came this afternoon. I'll be picking up the MS660 this evening.
These saws all belong to Matt, aka MCW. This testing is being done at his request and to satisfy your curiousity as well

The 390XP just came this afternoon. I'll be picking up the MS660 this evening.