In fir sure, but not in anything I cut or burn.:msp_wink:
Stihlman - I thought you hadn't done the same chain in the larger wood. As Brad mentioned, a ported saw with a good sized bar in big wood makes a more obvious difference than in smaller wood.
Andy - I've used a very aggressive chain in oak, sycamore, ash, apple, elm, pecan, cherry, and maple with very good results. It won't last all day long, but it will cut enough to make firewood for a few weeks for a Taylor T500 furnace. Another thing east coasters forget is we do have hardwoods out here, we just have so much Fir that a lot of time is spent cutting that. And you really don't 'log' for hardwood here much. With 55" rain a year, a lot of stuff grows here and gets big. I have 3 Oaks on the property with trunks bigger than 3' DBH. But we let them stay coz they look awesome.
Here's our front 'yard', but it basically looks like this 360*: