Seeking I.D. of this saw, seller calls it a ' Cutters Edge ' ??

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Dad ^^^^ wouldn't understand the CAD!!! :-)
May 29, 2011
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I've never heard of a 'Cutters Edge' manufacturer so can anyone clue me in as to who the manufacturer is and what size engine it might have!??


Defintely a Jonsered. Likely one of the larger cc models judging from the Hi-Performance air filter setup, and the full wrap. Im not to hip on the Johnny model numbers though.
Thanks for the quick response with that me a place to start looking for more intel on the saw!!
I'm 99.9% positive it's a 670 possibly be a 625 but I seriously doubt it. But definately one or the other. Impossible to tell the difference without the tag or cyl measurements because they are the same saw except for the P&C size. As shown in the link "Cutters Edge" has taken a "West Coast" 670, added a deflector and special chain and guard and sold it as a fire/rescue saw.

I'm 99.9% positive it's a 670 possibly be a 625 but I seriously doubt it. But definately one or the other. Impossible to tell the difference without the tag or cyl measurements because they are the same saw except for the P&C size. As shown in the link "Cutters Edge" has taken a "West Coast" 670, added a deflector and special chain and guard and sold it as a fire/rescue saw.

Yes, I think your correct on the 670 call. The guy did provide me with a number that had 670 in it. I'll be checking it out later this afternoon and hopefully it will be something decent and be able to make a good runner. Parts availability pretty good for the 670's yet??
Jonserd 625,630 most parts will interchange. The best way to know mode is to find the serial number plate. They tend to use 70CC saws because of the heavy use. The one we had at the fire station was a stock Husky 181 with a cutters edge bar and chain and depth stop device.
Done deal!!

What's that acronym about chain saw collecting?? C-something.........anyways I've got it!!

Regarding the original's mine!! As close to new as can be.........never used for designed purpose(fire fighter usage in building fires!??). Still has the original carbide chain that looks like new!! The clutch area looks like later!! :msp_w00t::rock:

PS...........did the standard 670's come with splines/spikes on the front?? This one has an aluminum plate....part of the specialty adaptation that was done to the saw by "Cutters Edge" I'm presuming.

PSS........what is the rep on the 670's ???
I agree on the 670 ID. Quick way to tell 670 is the "squared-off" back corner of the air cleaner cover, vs the chamfered cover on 625-630. I think a few of BeeTee's 630 "West coast" models had the 670 cover too but isnt Cutter's the reorganization of the old Zipp-Penn? Only real difference was more volume around the air cleaner element; slightly better performance for the bigger 670 before the days of Turbo air cleaning.

The high-hat air filter was also a Jonsered option; took a different elbow and a hole cut in the cover. Popular in the west for some uses (fire work and cedar harvest). "4th stage" in Cutter's edge is a second foam sleeve around the element; not useful in the woods, but might be useful in a cutkwik-type applicatin. I have the parts to make one in my stash, but the air cleaner elements are NLA...go to K & N for a suitable replacement.
What's that acronym about chain saw collecting?? C-something.........anyways I've got it!!

Regarding the original's mine!! As close to new as can be.........never used for designed purpose(fire fighter usage in building fires!??). Still has the original carbide chain that looks like new!! The clutch area looks like later!! :msp_w00t::rock:

PS...........did the standard 670's come with splines/spikes on the front?? This one has an aluminum plate....part of the specialty adaptation that was done to the saw by "Cutters Edge" I'm presuming.

PSS........what is the rep on the 670's ???

The rep on a 670? One of my favorite saws. Very similar to the 266XP/268XP. As for the aluminum plate, they came stock with either. Around me, almost everyone uses the plate, but most 630/670 I have gotten from other parts of the country have the spikes. They shouldn't be hard to find. The Husky ones will fit.
The rep on a 670? One of my favorite saws. Very similar to the 266XP/268XP. As for the aluminum plate, they came stock with either. Around me, almost everyone uses the plate, but most 630/670 I have gotten from other parts of the country have the spikes. They shouldn't be hard to find. The Husky ones will fit.

Dead on Eric... but I think the OP was talking about the large "skid plate" that comes on the front of Fire saws..not the smooth alum. "bumper" that is sometimes used in place of steel spikes.

You can remove the "skid plate" and use either the toothed steel spikes or the alum "bumper"...which ever you prefer.
I'm 99.9% positive it's a 670 possibly be a 625 but I seriously doubt it. But definately one or the other. Impossible to tell the difference without the tag or cyl measurements because they are the same saw except for the P&C size. As shown in the link "Cutters Edge" has taken a "West Coast" 670, added a deflector and special chain and guard and sold it as a fire/rescue saw.

Exactly! :agree2:

Dead on Eric... but I think the OP was talking about the large "skid plate" that comes on the front of Fire saws..not the smooth alum. "bumper" that is sometimes used in place of steel spikes.

You can remove the "skid plate" and use either the toothed steel spikes or the alum "bumper"...which ever you prefer.

@ Cantdog ; I LIKE your term "skid plate".....just like a miniature version what I've got/ran on my DualSport/off-road bikes!! Here are some pictures of my 'new' saw and said "skid plate".






The very first thing I'm going to do is remove the straight gas from the saw(see story below). Then it will be on to removing the "skid plate" and the muffler behind it so I can check out the P/C. Anyone know the correct standard fastener size for the muffler bolts as it will be different from what the hardware the Cutters Edge folks used to mount the "skid plate" ?? Presumably metric threads but looking for correct diameter/pitch and grip length info.

This saw has set for the vast majority of it's life and hopefully there is not any problems internally. I see some surface rust on the muffler and fasteners like it sat inside of a garage that used a swamp cooler(common here in Arizona). The swamp cooling creates a high humidity environment.....hopefully that wouldn't create any internal P/C problems over time.

Can anyone tell me from the I.D. tag in the last picture what the manufacture date of this saw would be?? Also is the carbide chain going to work well for regular tree cutting or is it something unique for the firefighter world??

Luckily I saved this saw from a 'straight gas' demise!! The guy I bought it from had never ran it and told me he'd went out put some unleaded in the gas tank so we could try and start it when I got there. I'd ask him what ratio of oil/fuel mix he'd used and he just gave me the blank "deer in the headlights" look. Regarding what I'll do first........that goes at the very top of the "Things to Do" list..........dump the straight gas!!

Well the adventure into Jonsered territory commences!! :msp_thumbup::msp_thumbup:
The saw was made 1989 week 36 by Husqvarna, making it likely that it is a 670 Super.

Thanks ST for the manufacture date info!! Just curious, by chance do you think it might be this saw; Model Profile: 670 WEST COAST since it does have the full wrap handle as mentioned by a previous poster??

I don't see any beginning/end manufacture dates for the 670 'West Coast' or 'Super' versions however the basic 670 listing shows it manufactured from 1986 thru 1997. Sooo the variations of the 'Super' or 'West Coast' could have been produced anywhere in that 11 year manufacturing window??
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The 670 went through several small changes in it's run. The 4 basic versions are 670, 670 Super, and 670 SuperII and 670 Champ. The versions were never made at the same time and west coast versions of all were made. I'd say it ii safe to call your saw a 670 Super West Coast. It is also what I would call an early or white label Super because of the older style chain brake and white decal. Later Supers and Super II's have the newer style chainbrake and black decal.

A rough time line is (and sawtroll may disagree with the start date)
and this is off the top of my head:
670 1986-1987
670 Super 1988-1990
670 Super II 1991
670 Champ 1991-1997

You got a great looking saw. Congrats. :rock:

Thanks Arrowhead, I was very happy to luck into this saw.......hopefully soon I'll get it fired up and see if the carb is still functional or if it needs to be kitted!??? Have ordered some parts that it needs since I removed the "skid plate".........muffler support bracket and falling dawgs.

I've been posting up in the 'Jonsered Saws' thread since that is where the hardcore J-red folks hang!! Here is a link to some more pictures of what I've found as I've started checking out this saw a bit closer;

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