GTG dates

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Steve NW WI

Unwanted Riff Raff.
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
There's often several GTG or other gathering threads going on, and while the BSing, bragging, and not totally on topic stuff are fun to read, the actual date and place of the GTG get buried and are hard to find.

I checked the calendar, but it doesn't seem to get used.

My thought is to post a simple message with your GTG date and place in this thread, along with a link to the thread discussing it. Hope is that this thread won't become a discussion thread. There would then be an easy reference to look for places to go, find a nearby GTG for a newbie, etc.

If this is a horrible idea, say so and I'll let it go.

If this is a good idea, post your GTG info, and I'll burn some credits and sticky this thing.
Feb 18 0930 safety brief. Later people can be assimilated
1469 New London Turnpike. Glastonbury Ct

I'd like a rough head count if possible
Pm or a new thread
Here's what we have so far. I'll try to organize em all into one post, and update it as dates pass or more events are added. I'll list em by date, with the soonest first, and give a distance to the nearest larger city so far off people know about where it is.

CT GTG Feb 18th:
1469 New London Turnpike
Glastonbury CT 06033
(120 miles NE of New York City)
Contact: usmarinekurt
No GTG thread listed.

TreeMonkey GTG/390XP buildoff and more, March 17th-18th:
S6825 State Rd 27
Augusta, WI 54722 (note to treemonkey - Google maps didn't like s- in the address. It works good as I typed it.)
(115 miles E of Minneapolis, MN)
Contact: tree monkey

Central VA/Dinosaur50 GTG March 31st:
10900 Nash Rd.
Chesterfield VA 23838
(20 miles S of Richmond, VA)

If I've got anything wrong, please correct me.
I'm not sure about this. We run ours in private without posting where in an open thread, then we run multiple GTG in one old thread if your not reading as the thread goes you get behind. :msp_biggrin: You got to be dedicated to the GTG and the Threads. :clap:

Not that everyone has to do it our way, this is just how we do it.

Edit: AtvGuns is host next goround if he wishes to trump me on this thats ok.
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It will work if its used, like any other thread. Kinda nice to see whats going on where and when. I vote good idea.
Here's what we have so far. I'll try to organize em all into one post, and update it as dates pass or more events are added. I'll list em by date, with the soonest first, and give a distance to the nearest larger city so far off people know about where it is.

CT GTG Feb 18th:
1469 New London Turnpike
Glastonbury CT 06033
(120 miles NE of New York City)
Contact: usmarinekurt

TreeMonkey GTG/390XP buildoff and more, March 17th-18th:
S6825 State Rd 27
Augusta, WI 54722
(115 miles E of Minneapolis, MN)
Contact: tree monkey

Central VA/Dinosaur50 GTG March 31st:
10900 Nash Rd.
Chesterfield VA 23838
(20 miles S of Richmond, VA)

If I've got anything wrong, please correct me.
Contact: for Central VA/Dinosaur50 GTG March 31st: is me

Contact: for Central VA/Dinosaur50 GTG March 31st: is me
and the Central VA/Dinosaur50 GTG March 31st: is not your every day gtg eather

and the Central VA/Dinosaur50 GTG March 31st: is not your every day gtg eather we got a lumberjack and lumberjills training day as part of it some of the best pro lumberjacks and lumberjills form all over the east will be their a bunch of the ones that will be their have been on ESPN doing it before they will be doing axe throw 2 man jack Jill hotsaw single buck underhand chop standing block chop also we got some of the worlds best chainsaw carvers coming to do chainsaw carvings so this is the gtg to be at for sure because of all the stuff going on see you their.
I'll try to organize em all into one post, and update it as dates pass or more events are added. I'll list em by date, with the soonest first, and give a distance to the nearest larger city so far off people know about where it is.

CT GTG Feb 18th:
1469 New London Turnpike
Glastonbury CT 06033
(120 miles NE of New York City)
Contact: usmarinekurt

TreeMonkey GTG/390XP buildoff and more, March 17th-18th:
S6825 State Rd 27
Augusta, WI 54722
(115 miles E of Minneapolis, MN)
Contact: tree monkey

Central VA/Dinosaur50 GTG March 31st:
10900 Nash Rd.
Chesterfield VA 23838
(20 miles S of Richmond, VA)
Contact: dinosaur50

If I've got anything wrong, please correct me.
Probably be best to post all the GTGs on the calendar. I posted on it the other day just to test it out. Only problem is there's no way to edit the post. I suppose if you want to edit and update info or cancel, you could create another post on the same day and label it part2 etc.
the summer Central Va./Dinosaur50 GTG 2012 will be Aug 25

the summer Central Va./Dinosaur50 GTG 2012 will be Aug 25 hosted buy dean David and Dinosaur50 it will be at j and j logging 10900 Nash Rd, Chesterfield, VA
start time of 9 30 am to 6 30 pm ill be much bigger then one today will have bands and much more is planed for it we want as many collectors who can come to come
No collector of saws will be excluded. Any chainsaw owner/enthusiast is welcome to attend. If you have one locked-up saw or a thousand runners, new or old, no matter
This summers' GTG will be more extensively planned and coordinated with a much more varied group of saws. I can guarantee that anybody that wants to run a two-man will have the opportunit
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