I dare....no...double dare someone to.....

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Dec 15, 2008
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FORMERLY Manyhobies
I dare....no...double dare:jawdrop: someone to.....buy a Wildthing new make sure to use proper fuel mix in it tune the carb, and see how long it lasts.

Any takers?

I'll betcha it will last a long time and work great ! Mine does ! Alot of use on it... I mean alot ! Only problem ever was chain brake band broke (my fault). I also kept it well cleaned. It's really been a damn good saw.:greenchainsaw:
I'll betcha it will last a long time and work great ! Mine does ! Alot of use on it... I mean alot ! Only problem ever was chain brake band broke (my fault). I also kept it well cleaned. It's really been a damn good saw.:greenchainsaw:

Yeup, that woodshark has at least 100 tanks thru it, my gramps had it before it got to be to much for him. Wanna buy it?
I wouldn't buy one new but I would buy one for the right price. And I'd probably use it quite a bit, see how it'd like bucking 30'' sugar maples all day. I normally abuse the :censored::censored: out of my cheap saws till they've survived a serious amount of abuse and earn my respect. Then I just keep them around for their intended purpose.
Dad used to go through two a season running the right mix etc.I finally talked him into a 350, been running it four years.
We used to have 2 stihls where I once worked, but we kept breaking the cases hauling them around so my boss went out and bought 4 Wild Things and about 20 chains. We abused the chit out of em and after a year all were still going. I am still amazed by this.

I have a Wild Thing that I have used the heck out of for 6 years and it is still really reliable. The only thing wrong with it is the throttle linkage is getting sloppy since I took it apart to clean bad gas out of it. It starts and runs good. I definitely got my $120 out of it. The one thing I don't like is the horrible vibration it gives off. Next I'm going to mod it and see if it blows.
I ran a Wood Shark with a 14" bar and I thought it was a heck of a limbing saw, esp with a sharp chain. Bad thing was the vib would kill my hands and have my arms numb up to the elbow.

My dad has had a wild thing for 6-7 years with a good bit of use. I bought one 3 years ago and supplied wood every year with it and it still runs great. I have since bought a 361 and a ps7900, so it does not see much use anymore. I suppose I could wreck one in a week if I tried. Just use the saw within its abilities and it will last a while.
I have a crapsman i've been trying to break since almost new, Sailed it accross the woods, bounced it off trees, smoked the chains, threw it in mud holes, even threw it up at a limb and it got stuck, had to knock it down with a rock. And the darn thing still runs and is still a pos.
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and the anti vibe models hang the choke lever over the handle bar they ani't as bad or as good as people say but a turd is a turd no mater what brand or color
You got that right on the choke lever, Have to get a screwdriver to pry it out from under the handle and it won't idle either after warmed up. I love my crapsman.:mad:
I have a crapsman i've been trying to break since almost new, Sailed it accross the woods, bounced it off trees, smoked the chains, threw it in mud holes, even threw it up at a limb and it got stuck, had to knock it down with a rock. And the darn thing is still runs and is still a pos.

I have one of those, with the crappy anti vibe handle. The spring keeps breaking, so I bought another with NO anti-vibe handle. Down side, I HATE the "tool-less" chain adjustment. Like the solid handle better though.

The old saw, has been cutting 4 cords (full) a year for four years now. I get the spring replaced, I may just sell the thing.

I did however, purchase a new husky. I got tired of farting around cutting wood. The Crapsman is a good limb saw, and small diameter saw, but it ain't a great machine for making big rounds.
I have one of those, with the crappy anti vibe handle. The spring keeps breaking, so I bought another with NO anti-vibe handle. Down side, I HATE the "tool-less" chain adjustment. Like the solid handle better though.

The old saw, has been cutting 4 cords (full) a year for four years now. I get the spring replaced, I may just sell the thing.

I did however, purchase a new husky. I got tired of farting around cutting wood. The Crapsman is a good limb saw, and small diameter saw, but it ain't a great machine for making big rounds.
Yep, Relaced mine three times.
i put a 42 cc anti vibe on a solid frame cause of spring issue. now I ani't proud or ashamed of my poulands but gotta tell you this saw has proven itself to me.. had it since 95 cause thats the year wifey run off with shirt from work and had to hock a saw 2 guns and a mandoline just to eat. ani't mad tho just a tip, if you decide to punch a hole in a wall make sure theres no stud behind it. hard to split green hickory with a busted hand and a maul
had mine since 2001. this is the first year I've heated with wood and I beat the thing hard till I got my JD CS 56. I still use it as a back up and it fires up and cuts good, even when you get into stuff thats a bit big. I'd buy another one.
With no vibration dampening, it would last longer with straight gas, than it would before it hit what I threw it at!

Put a clutch drum on one for a guy and fished the idle screw out of the handle, and felt guilty for charging him money for fixing it!

I almost threw the thing, and all I wanted to do was set the idle speed!!

I can't believe that saw still exists when the supposed Poulan PRO isn't that much more and has anti-vibe, AND a coated cylinder!

Honestly, those things should really help the sales on the small Stihl saws because you get so much more, for not that much more!

I would sooner run a Bluemax!!
My Craftsman 42cc, just a Wildthing in red, has about 25-30 cords on it over the course of 4 years. Have left the saw in the case with mix in it for over 6 months before. Pulled it out and start in 3-4 pulls everytime.