I dare....no...double dare someone to.....

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My Craftsman 42cc, just a Wildthing in red, has about 25-30 cords on it over the course of 4 years. Have left the saw in the case with mix in it for over 6 months before. Pulled it out and start in 3-4 pulls everytime.

I've cut 5-6 cords a year with a 42cc Craftsman for awhile and now that I have my good saws (268, 034, 55) going back to a crapsman/ Wildthing would be roughing it for sure. :givebeer:
when did poulan come out with this model, never seen one b 4 today.
I have a crapsman i've been trying to break since almost new, Sailed it accross the woods, bounced it off trees, smoked the chains, threw it in mud holes, even threw it up at a limb and it got stuck, had to knock it down with a rock. And the darn thing still runs and is still a pos.

Hate to admit it

Wild Thing?
I thought I joined some professional tree guys here?

I hear ya, and most of the saws talked about here are pro saws, but I have a Poulan 4218 (I think it is, to cold to go out to the shop and look), which I bought on ebay before I joined AS. I was looking for a cheap saw to use to cut my winter supply of wood. I came across this thing on ebay, it was a refurb saw, and it was $79 with shipping, came with a warranty and all. When I first got it the (*^(*&^)*& thing wouldn't cut anything. That is how I ended up here, google search brought me to AS. Gary and others asked if it had safety chain on it. I had no idea what the hell safety chain was, but after it was explained I figured sure nuff it was safety chain, so I ground off the safety part, and man this little thing will cut. My semi local Stihl dealer sold me a new Stihl chain a couple of months ago, and now the thing is my number 1 limb saw. For the money invested compared to wood cut, it is a hell of a saw. JR
My 36cc craftsman is a 2001 and cut 5-6 cord a year until this year's 361 purchase. It was rode hard and put away wet, ran old gas, whatever and never missed a beat. This year it's starting to start hard, so it will most likely get replaced. It's earned it's keep.
With no vibration dampening, it would last longer with straight gas, than it would before it hit what I threw it at!

Put a clutch drum on one for a guy and fished the idle screw out of the handle, and felt guilty for charging him money for fixing it!

I almost threw the thing, and all I wanted to do was set the idle speed!!

I can't believe that saw still exists when the supposed Poulan PRO isn't that much more and has anti-vibe, AND a coated cylinder!

Honestly, those things should really help the sales on the small Stihl saws because you get so much more, for not that much more!

I would sooner run a Bluemax!!

I hold the North American record of 35 yards in the under 50cc Poulan Toss:angry: Damn buddy got it on video and is trotted out for laughs on an annual basis.
The anger management classes are working.:rant: And that incident led me to Stihl:heart:

I have a crapsman i've been trying to break since almost new, Sailed it accross the woods, bounced it off trees, smoked the chains, threw it in mud holes, even threw it up at a limb and it got stuck, had to knock it down with a rock. And the darn thing still runs and is still a pos.

So you're using and abusing it this much because your 3 Stihls are all in the shop!!??

Really most saws will last when used with good gas, good 2 cycle oil, bar oil, and recommended care. Thats probably why my poulan is still running 12 years later. Lots of hard-hard use and abuse, but with all the above things. If you take care of it, it will probably last ! Many people are too stupid to read and follow the owners manual ! I think any of you dealers on this site can agree with me on this one !:D
I dare....no...double dare someone to.....buy a Wildthing new make sure to use proper fuel mix in it tune the carb, and see how long it lasts.

Any takers?

Is this Poulan's latest advertising gimmick?
I had a Wild Thing for over ten years. I cut firewood with it and it held up great. I used it for limbing after I got my Husqvarna. I gave it to my sons last year when I bought my little Makita.

It's a good choice for the homeowner who wants to cut or trim the occasional tree. It's not a real good choice for a firewood saw but it will get the job done as long as the firewood isn't real big.

It won't buck 30" wood like my 372 but neither will an MS200T.
Right On.

I had a Wild Thing for over ten years. I cut firewood with it and it held up great. I used it for limbing after I got my Husqvarna. I gave it to my sons last year when I bought my little Makita.

It's a good choice for the homeowner who wants to cut or trim the occasional tree. It's not a real good choice for a firewood saw but it will get the job done as long as the firewood isn't real big.

It won't buck 30" wood like my 372 but neither will an MS200T.

Not too many sub 40cc saws(+ or -) make good firewood saws . Generally to small.
However with proper care, the small Poulans should last a good long time. . . and with good sharp chains they should cut well.

Al :cheers:
I have one that was new from a fellow, compression way down now, won't start of course. It lasted a total of alittle over 6 months from new.
I guess I'll have to venture to make this my first post. I have a poulan 2175 WILD THING, and it's a 50th anniversary edition no less. I got it for christmas when I was 19 or 20 from my parents - I am 34 now. I never cut a stick of wood before I had that saw, and I only asked for it because I wanted to have a poulan like I remembered my grandpa having when I was a kid, and he cut wood for heat because that's what he could afford to do. My dad got it for a song and a dance brand new from home depot due to some sale and the fact that they didn't have the case they were advertising with it - $75 I think.

I cut with it occasionally here and there since I had it, cleared about 4 acres of pine with it, but a couple years ago I moved onto some land that has been devestated by emerald ash borer, so I decided I would sell me some firewood instead of letting it stand there and rot. Anyways I cut over 25 face cord last year, chit way bigger than that saw should cut, one of the trees netted 5 face cord and had to be bucked from both sides with an 18" bar. I got 7 face cords into this season's cutting and snapped the crank where it attaches to the clutch. I would estimate she cut about 50 face cord of wood before it went tits up. I ran it hard and showed it no mercy, it's had a couple of trees dropped on it and had the handle replaced. I went out and bought a stihl farmboss and I'm happy with it, but I want to resurrect the poulan to use as a limbing saw. I am hoping someone has a 2175 parts saw or a bottom end?

thanks for listening to my first post rant:cheers:

:greenchainsaw: ON!

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