Former climber/employee now a murderer.

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Feb 26, 2008
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Right in the middle, USA
Murder, two others attacked with a knife. This guy used to work for me, as did his father and two of his brothers. I can't even count how many of his cousins and relatives have worked for me over the years.

I hired him as a climber-trainee, but he would never listen to me so we parted ways, somewhat amicably. He tried to get me to re-hire him several times, but I had concluded that he was not bright enough to learn the job properly. He had gone on to working for another tree service nearby.

I have heard several stories that he beat his wife all the time. Somehow I think that might be involved in the origin of this crime.

The video taken in the news report is only about 600' from my shop. There were LOTS of cops in the neighborhood for a while.

Police: 1 In Custody In KC Triple Stabbing - Kansas City News Story - KMBC Kansas City

How many of your co-worker's are nice fellows like this guy?
Murder, two others attacked with a knife. This guy used to work for me, as did his father and two of his brothers. I can't even count how many of his cousins and relatives have worked for me over the years.

I hired him as a climber-trainee, but he would never listen to me so we parted ways, somewhat amicably. He tried to get me to re-hire him several times, but I had concluded that he was not bright enough to learn the job properly. He had gone on to working for another tree service nearby.

I have heard several stories that he beat his wife all the time. Somehow I think that might be involved in the origin of this crime.

The video taken in the news report is only about 600' from my shop. There were LOTS of cops in the neighborhood for a while.

Damn dude, arent you the same guy that had a climber crushed and another hang himself.
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The bad part is that he was one of the nice guys. I had a hard time believing the wife-beater stories a while back; not much of a problem now.

He was always pretty docile and mild mannered. He didn't even rate on my scale of "bad guys that have worked for me". I'm afraid that list is embarrassingly long.
I had a guy like that, y'all remember that dude I was having problems with. Every time he gets in trouble, then gets out, the cops warn me. I had no idea, until I seen his record, how bad a guy he was. Made me cringe when I was looking at it, knowing that he was in my house, around my family. Now I do backgrounds on anyone who is going to be around me.
WOW that is some crazy poop right there. The same thing happened to treeslayer awhile back it goes to show you just never know what goes on in ones mind.
I had a guy like that, y'all remember that dude I was having problems with. Every time he gets in trouble, then gets out, the cops warn me. I had no idea, until I seen his record, how bad a guy he was. Made me cringe when I was looking at it, knowing that he was in my house, around my family. Now I do backgrounds on anyone who is going to be around me.

So how do you do a "background" on someone?

Their criminal record is not available, unless you are a law enforcement agency. You can always make them go get their record at a police station, but isn't exactly practical.

I have hired so many thugs, it really isn't too hard to tell which ones are running on the edge of society. For the most part, it almost everyone that walks in my door.
Update: Apparently, the 2nd victim has died, so now it is a double murder.

This is how dumb the guy is. He comes back to the scene of the crime, lays down and holds still while he gets arrested and cuffed, and THEN he decides he wants to put up a fight with a pack of cops. What a bonehead. I guess he thought they were just going to talk harshly to him while he waited for a lawyer.

Video here.

So far, I have not been able to find any new information, but I'll bet the bond goes up.
So yeah, I think you should check with your state police. We here in PA can request a background for $10 bucks and about a three day turnaround, courtesy PA State Police, and that is posted in their barracks near me.

It is worth it. Believe me.
So how do you do a "background" on someone?

Their criminal record is not available, unless you are a law enforcement agency. You can always make them go get their record at a police station, but isn't exactly practical.

I have hired so many thugs, it really isn't too hard to tell which ones are running on the edge of society. For the most part, it almost everyone that walks in my door. I think that is the public record site that lists all criminal actions pending and closed. If I remember right you just type in the persons name and location and presto a rap sheet. is what I use. It cost 60 or so bucks for a six month deal or 20bucks for a month, unlimited checks. Tells u everything they have been arrested for and whether or not they where convicted.
When I first got it, I ran every tree guy in the area that I knew their full name. Holy cow, I was told by some copper buds that most of the tree services here are on the watch list, after I ran the checks, I see why. Bank robbers, kidnapping, felony assault thieves, woman beaters, fraud......lots of fraud. TONS OF DRUGS, not pot, the bad stuff. One guy knocked his woman out last summer, great big dude, she is like 120lbs, one punch, out cold.............. guess who bailed him out! I would say that 90% of the guys around here are convicted felons who have done serious time.

Did anybody know that guy who cut those people up and put them in a hollow tree out in the woods?
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Update: Apparently, the 2nd victim has died, so now it is a double murder.

This is how dumb the guy is. He comes back to the scene of the crime, lays down and holds still while he gets arrested and cuffed, and THEN he decides he wants to put up a fight with a pack of cops. What a bonehead. I guess he thought they were just going to talk harshly to him while he waited for a lawyer.

Video here.

So far, I have not been able to find any new information, but I'll bet the bond goes up.
Man thats a pretty bad dude he took out 3 different males in at least 2 different rooms , and the dude he got in the basement was either trapped there or scared to death , and I see his last name is Ramirez was he Mexican????? Cause they like knives a lot and are good with them , I saw a white kid and a mexican fellow argue over who was gonna sit in the middle seat of a crew cab , he pushed the mexican guy out of the truck and on his way out he grabbed a box cutter off the dash and cut that kid across the thigh and on his rib cage , he needed almost 200 stitches , obviously we called the cops and the he was arrested ...the whole fight started a few days earlier when the white kid put a baby rabbit that he found in the grass in the guys lunchbox , and the rabbit ate a corner of the guys pound cake ...crazy right
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Coming from K.C. its not to big of a shocker. The rivers there A.K.A as dead hooker storage from what I remember :msp_scared: 2 months ago a guy I climbed with up in Oregon came home (he lives in the barn of the tree company owner) from work to about 20 cops. His wife was found dead in bed. She was stiff as a board and said to have been dead for up to 14 hrs?:msp_sad:
Yep. We have our share of dead folks that turn up where they shouldn't.

We are not as bad as some big cities [think Detroit!], but it certainly isn't Smalleville. I think KC is pretty high on the scale of murders per capita. There is a big subculture of gun-toting drug-dealing thugs. They seem to permeate about 1/3 of the population, and that spills over into the rest of our lives. Curiously, robberies and urban crime are not too bad. I have never been robbed or attacked, and I go to the worst parts of town, at all hours of the day.
Detroit and St.louis are top of the chain. I spent about 6 months in Overland park. Richest county in the Nation during that time. Killer food. I mean the #1 in the nation. $1,600 a week barely covered the wine and fillet minion. Ruth crists, Cattleman's, Jay Alexanders, One more......was pistachio? there were two of them. They had huge chicken wings( think they were turkey ). I eat da @#$% up out dat BBQ son.:hmm3grin2orange:
So how do you do a "background" on someone?

Their criminal record is not available, unless you are a law enforcement agency. You can always make them go get their record at a police station, but isn't exactly practical.

I have hired so many thugs, it really isn't too hard to tell which ones are running on the edge of society. For the most part, it almost everyone that walks in my door.

Here you go. Click on the "Litigant name search" It will show you any thing the person has been to court for. Even simple traffic tickets.