Axe restoration thread

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Hello Everyone.

I need some new working single bit axes. I keep my eye out at tag sales and farm auctions.

What I need a a couple of LARGE traditional single bit splitting heads, and a smaller one for driving wedges while felling trees. They DO NOT have to be pretty, but good steel and restorable. Nothing thrown in the fireplace to clean the remnants of the handle. Just some good American or European steel.

PM me if you have some.

Thanks, MP

If you'd have only asked a few months ago .


Which is a 5lb


But now

Thanks Neil , I believe that back in the day the Swede imports were like the Chinese imports of today but the difference was back then it was a quality product .
I get most of my best handles from a Hultafors distributor , American hickory but manufactured in Sweden .
Greetings, all:

First time poster here, figured this would be the best thread since I'm a becoming a full-fledged axe junkie. Here are some of the projects I've completed this year, hopefully it is not too picture heavy... I have many, many more in the works.

Mann Knot Klipper 4.25 lb Double Bit Western or Penn Pattern:


Some unknown Hudson Bay Pattern, was in bad shape...



An unknown Jersey type pattern with rounds lugs:



Council Tool Rockaway-Jersey 3.5 lb:



Shapleigh Hardware Co. Diamond Edge Lugged Single Bit:


Greetings, all:

First time poster here, figured this would be the best thread since I'm a becoming a full-fledged axe junkie. Here are some of the projects I've completed this year, hopefully it is not too picture heavy... I have many, many more in the works.

Mann Knot Klipper 4.25 lb Double Bit Western or Penn Pattern:


Some unknown Hudson Bay Pattern, was in bad shape...



An unknown Jersey type pattern with rounds lugs:



Council Tool Rockaway-Jersey 3.5 lb:



Shapleigh Hardware Co. Diamond Edge Lugged Single Bit:


Welcome to the site! Really nice collection you have!
Welcome to the site! Really nice collection you have!
Thank you kindly! These are just the ones I've restored, I have others that we use regularly around the property. I just dig vintage ones, restore them as gifts or to sell, but keep the ones I like. Cheers

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Will you be my friend?

Seriously - nice arsenal!

Sure, if you like old tools, cutting firewood, and razor sharp axes - then yes, we can be friends!

Thank you! Some of my other axes in the arsenal that we use often are Council FSS Pulaski, Wetterlings Hudson Bay (personal favorite), and Helko Spaltaxt. Both Jerseys in my first post were gifts to old friends, but I've got a bitchin' one that I'm keeping for myself and will hang it on a 36" straight shaft (it's actually next on my list because I want to use it so badly).

Here are some upcoming axe projects on deck:

From left-to-right and zig-zagging down:

Collins Commander (Mann era) 3lb, Council 2.5 lb cruiser, Collins Legitimus 4 lb double bit Michigan, unkown 4.5" wedge bit, Craftsman 3.5 lb (Yankee?), Matchless 2.5" boys axe, Kelly Perfect 3.5 lb Jersey w/ Phantom Bevels (Oooh yeaaaah), Kelly Flint Edge Yankee (or is it a Michigan?), and last a Fulton 3.75 lb.

I'm going to hang the Kelly Perfect Jersey next, then the Matchless boys axe and Collins Legitimus Double Bit are Xmas gifts for my brother-in-law. The Legitimus I'm going to hang on a 32" haft. After those I'll put a new handle and remove the paint on the Council cruiser because they are just freakin' cool, I'm keeping that one too like the Kelley Jersey. The Collins commander and Cruiser both have decent handles, but the hanging jobs are crap and have been "fixed" with metal step wedges... no me gusta. The Collins Commander only has an aluminum wedge that has been driven in too far. Not going to enjoy removing that...
How's this for an early birthday gift from my fiance? 3$ at an estate sale. Best $3 she has ever spent!!!
I'm thinking it might be a splitting axe but I'm not sure. It's heavy, thinking around 6#, I was comparing it to my 8# beater (sledgehammer).

Any info is appreciated

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How's this for an early birthday gift from my fiance? 3$ at an estate sale. Best $3 she has ever spent!!!
I'm thinking it might be a splitting axe but I'm not sure. It's heavy, thinking around 6#, I was comparing it to my 8# beater (sledgehammer).

Any info is appreciated

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Nice Plumb! Looks like a Connecticut pattern. About how much does it weigh?

Edit: I see the phantom bevels now. Also, it appears to be more of a felling axe (doesn't mean that you can't split with it).

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Whooo boy, that's a biggin' - nice find! Get that rust off, hang it on a new straight grain Hickory handle and put an edge on it!

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Thanks, just got it yesterday and I'm on the road to Colorado now. I'll get after it when I get back.

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