ArboristSite Lurker
Just finished up installing my new stove this afternoon, and figured I would share a few pictures. Since it is not very cool here in Indiana today, I built a small fire to help cure the paint, and the stove is cooking along at about 425 degrees. This has been a huge project for me, and I am glad it is just about finished. I am still waiting on my mantel stone (Indiana limestone) to be cut to size, at the place I bought the rest of my materials. I can't wait for the cold weather to get here now !!! Please excuse the bad cell phone pictures, it was all I had :/
Sure didn't take the pup's long to figure out where the best spot in the house is !! My buddy Sam, enjoying the warmth

Sure didn't take the pup's long to figure out where the best spot in the house is !! My buddy Sam, enjoying the warmth