Here's a couple of shots. The 3/8" pins in the back lift out.
The 8" wide racks bump the capacity of the truck to about 75 cubic feet if I want to stack cab high. I only do this with dry wood to prevent overload. I also made a winch assembly that I use to drag on board huge rounds in the 200-lb range:
Don't mean to hijack the thread. Let's carry on. I sold 10 bundles this past week to campers near a lake. One thing they liked was that after I tied the bundles with twine as tight as I could, I forced small kindling pieces into the voids and that made it easier for them to light the fire. That also secured the bundle even more for carrying.
Most of the time I split the logs down a little smaller for campfires because there is no chimney draft and smaller logs bundle easier.