my latest addition (husqvarna 440 xtorq)

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logger 12345

husqvarna pilot
Aug 5, 2011
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this is my latest addition to the chainsaw fleet,husqvarna 440 with 15"bar and chain,thankfully it is very light compared to my 365sp,so this will be great for those smaller trees i have so many of to cut at the moment.i like a lot of convienence features on this saw such as quick chain tensioner and nice on/off switch. it has some nice features and feels very powerful on first start up,i will get to use it tomorrow. please feel free to add any input on this saw as it is new to me!i got a very good deal from mowerpower in limerick,a great husqvarna dealership,i got all you see in pics,warrenty for 12months inc parts & labour,gloves,file guide,spare chain,oil,mask & whatever else you see here in the pics,all in for 440euros! the saw retails @ 460 here,so he done me a great deal,of course he would as i bought the 365special also just 7months ago.

some pics:







Looks good enough, I think you'll fair well. Get rid of that chipper chain and you'll be much happier, I reckon.

That said I gotta ask...
cheers cpr,

that is a mask,i know it's big but i like to mind the lungs,nothing worse than the smell of a chainsaw!
it's big but you get used to it,i also need it for some building work at the moment,if it's too big for chainsaw work i can try
something smaller
cheers cpr,

that is a mask,i know it's big but i like to mind the lungs,nothing worse than the smell of a chainsaw!
it's big but you get used to it,i also need it for some building work at the moment,if it's too big for chainsaw work i can try
something smaller

The smell of 2-stroke turns me on!
i got a heck of a deal on a new 435 a few months back, i really like mine, same as a 440 but without the quick adjust, super light, very powerful for only 40cc, very good on fuel, i also like the fuel gauge on these saws, very easy to see, enjoy youre 440, i'm shure you'll like it:msp_thumbup:
cheers cpr,

that is a mask,i know it's big but i like to mind the lungs,nothing worse than the smell of a chainsaw!
it's big but you get used to it,i also need it for some building work at the moment,if it's too big for chainsaw work i can try
something smaller

Just use Aspen fuel, and you will not have that issue! ;)

The saw would have been better if it wasn't an e-series (and lost the quick chain tensioner) - but I believe that isn't an option on the 440.....:bang::evilgrin:
cheers cpr,

that is a mask,i know it's big but i like to mind the lungs,nothing worse than the smell of a chainsaw!
it's big but you get used to it,i also need it for some building work at the moment,if it's too big for chainsaw work i can try
something smaller

I'm all the way with you on the industrial application. Be safe!

But 2-mix and bar oil let's you know you're alive!
good input guys,

old 040,good to hear the saw is doing good for you,i am looking forward to seeing how this thing goes.


what does e-series mean? i presume economy?
thanks for that info kent 550 ;)
rep headed your way!

so anybody here got some man hours on one of these??
quote sawtroll:

Just use Aspen fuel, and you will not have that issue!

yeah sawtroll the guy in the shop where i bought it said exact same thing to use aspen,i can't use it as the shop is too far away and i use so much fuel on my saws that it would only be an inconvienience for me to get it all the time,when i can just go to the local petrol station and buy my own...
Thus begins the collection
Two or three seem harmless enough. What will follow??
546?? 338 is it?? Maybe a 562???
Your walking in chainsaw infested waters.

Very very nice
i got all you see in pics,warrenty for 12months inc parts & labour,gloves,file guide,spare chain,oil,mask & whatever else you see here in the pics,all in for 440euros! the saw retails @ 460 here,...

440 euros equates to $568 here in the U.S. When I bought mine a couple of years ago I got it at dealer cost, I think it was $229 (retailed for $299). I see it now retails in the U.S. for $289. What would account for it being almost twice as much there considering you are closer to the source?

what does e-series mean? i presume economy?

It designates tool less chain adjusting with easy start.

so anybody here got some man hours on one of these??

I have used it quite a bit for limbing, seems a bit lighter and better balanced (for me) than my 026.
in ireland the prices are differnt and tax is much higher,the prices of some things like industrial machinery is always more here,in other word we pay through the nose for everything,then the saws can be differnt too,a lot of saws too are differnt between here and america you guys have differnt features on some saws to us,and the names on some can differ.

here is a link to the price in ireland,it's actually over 500 for this here
also you want to be carefull of china copies,this is why i alwyas buy from a legit husqvarna shop.

HUSQVARNA 440 e-series - Allround saws

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