ArboristSite Operative
post: 1315803 said:A coworker said something provocative the other day that I happen to agree with. "I don't trust a man with no vices."
That's a nice quote to start.
But what kind of vice we really have?
So show your vice !
I have a reconditioned Paramo No2 Hi-Duty Vice.
According to The Workbench Book the Paramo vices were first produced during WW2.
Just after the Record Vice factory was bombed in 1940, there was a shortage of Vices.
It dawned on everyone by the vices of great importance for the war industry.
The British government gave permission to the foundry of F. Parramore & Sons Ltd. to produce record. Vices
The company which was the casting of steel tubes known could produce solid and precious folk vices with the knowledge and people of Record under the name Paramo.
I think my vise is one of the first series seen the old cast logo.
I have my vise repainted and equipped with new 'homemade' jaws.
The jack is (again) galvanized.
Total cost: 40 euros ( ~55 U.S. dollars).
This was his predecessor, sold for 30 euros ( ~41 U.S. dollars):