Does any one know how much air is getting sucked into a saw / min or what ever,im thinking its going to be a lot.
There has been excellent data posted on this subject in the past by TW and Lakeside -- which we can't find now due to the broken search function :bang: -- but the gist of the data was that a Stihl HD filter flows way more than the saw requires.
Stihlman441, I blew up your photo to better see the dust. It's not that bad, but ...... I agree that any visible dust is unacceptable on a pro saw.
However, we haven't established where the leak is. Is the media leaking, or is the seal leaking ? People are jumping to the conclusion that the media is leaking, but how do you know ?
Stihlman, have you modded the attachment stud so that the filter can be screwed down tighter ? If you have not done so, there's nothing to lose by trying it.
I notice you are using the hard inner baffle. I recommend chucking the hard baffle, because the filter can bottom out on the baffle before a good seal is formed. Either use the foam inner baffle, or else run without any baffle. All the inner baffle does is deflect spitback when the saw is idling. It adds no value in the cut.
I notice you have stuck foam on the filter cover to help push the filter tight. The foam should help, but if you mod the attachment stud and chuck the hard plastic baffle, then the foam will not be necessary.
As I have stated in other threads, it may be that the HD2 filter is taller than the HD1, which would solve the seal problem without modding the stud or chucking the hard baffle. That's how I would solve the problem if I were Stihl's design engineer.