Stiff Member
opcorn:I can wait as long as it takes. But please, get on with them.
why would you want a photo of hot dogs?
opcorn:I can wait as long as it takes. But please, get on with them.
opcorn:I can wait as long as it takes. But please, get on with them.
I'm sorry, we don't do requests. :msp_biggrin: You kinda have to be there....they lose a lot in the translation.
dam i wish i was able to tag along with aaron:msp_sad:
Pictures or it didn't happen....
Then get my saws from Aaron and a muffler on that yellow car-up and drive thisaway for about three days. I'll supply the PBR and any brown liquor needed.
Oh that noise. Jesus Christ!
The interior sound level equals a SuperFort on it's way to Dresden, going up steep hills was nearly painful and that one hill was pretty steep. I'll give that old Ranchero it's due, the roads in Southern Humboldt are very rough and then there was the old Ranch road, which is almost a full step above a skidtrail. Other than a 120 decibel exhaust and crisping the glaze off the brake shoes, it ran the same as it did Saturday morning. Interesting contrast to this trip, we went from 75mph freeway to clawing our way up the Ranch road, it had ruts and waterbars as well.
Sorry my friend. Was somewhat of a spur of the moment thing. I've got some old orange/white magnesium to tempt you with though. Turns out that sprocket nose on the S-10 is 32" (measured cut length, and the length marked on the bar).:hmm3grin2orange:
Also has a second, more reasonable bar (20" or so hardnose) and a spare engine with a good looking P/C and other parts. Will show it to you soon. Took two more black widow spider egg sacs out of the damn thing when I got home. That saw has more 'nooks and crannys' for things to hide in than any saw I've seen lately.