The shirt lady
I'll see if i can arrange a little bacon candy.....Saws? I'm more interested in the food.
Sent with my inside voice
I'll see if i can arrange a little bacon candy.....Saws? I'm more interested in the food.
Yup I hear u there! Sara is the best at cooking candy bacon!Saws? I'm more interested in the food.
I will abduct Chad and Darick if need be...I'll see if i can arrange a little bacon candy.....
Sent with my inside voice
The one in my hands...I want yo see what mauls have the most power!
I would bet so!The one in my hands...
There you have it...
Oh my, are we going to one of those places?There goes all my dollar bills if you get one![]()
I might be able to bring my oak series plitter from Allwoodlogsplitters down, if I can get it dug out of the shed and the table grate fixed by that time. Will have to see what when winter lets up, to get everything moved back around for summer in the shed.I spoke with my local sawmill that donated the cants last spring and he is on board for 20 or so cants for the races! He also has a Lucas mill that he will demonstrate for us as well.
I am hoping we can get a variety of log splitters for every one to try out!
Tell me you're gonna be there...
With a truckload of SD's!!!
Nate will be hangin' around your truck like a bear at the landfill...
Ya...... none them places round here. Cedar rapids has 3 I believe.Don't know if'n I could swing driving da truck.
Betcha 8 or more would fit in me '95 Corolla though.
Dancin' girls,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"A man has got to know his limitations, dem girls are profesisonals, a fool and his money are soon parted"
Ain't been to one of those fine establishments since I walked outta one at 3:00 AM and had to work a 12 hour shift (starting at 6:00 AM!)
Thinning I was down at least $200!
Oh that's just wrong on every level........Been a good 15 years since I have stepped foot into one o' them 'fine establishments'.
I am gettin' so old I would hate to see one of my Grand Daughters in there, ya know what I mean?
I bet u were!It happens?
Yup there was a fair lass at work, I had known her for many years, went ta see the girls dancin one night, saw her daughter on stage (I had known her since she was a little kid)
Let's just say we were both a little embarrassed?
There is always good food and good company at these things and good food .Saws? I'm more interested in the food.
Yup there was a fair lass at work, I had known her for many years, went ta see the girls dancin one night, saw her daughter on stage (I had known her since she was a little kid)
Let's just say we were both a little embarrassed?
That would be sweet if you could make it over. Even sweeter to drive that power wagon in your avatar!If I can sneek it in between field work, planting & spraying I'll be there. Made it last year & was so impressed!! Great people - wonderfull hosts - learned more in a day than months of lurking on AS. Can't wait to see all you good folks again. Great time!!!