Stihl 024AV Swapped out without Permission by local shop - Help

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I'm with marshy man...why has the serial number not been verified's really that simple. Is it possible your ma just don't remember what it looks like...I get it all the time from customers...they drop something off and a week later come to pick it up and ask if I'm sure it's the same piece they dropped off. I simply verify the serial numbers and it's case closed.

Please see my last few responses, and I agree to a point with you as well. But she had to wait nearly a month to get it back, and it will not run right now after trying to use it this past few days. Its been changed enough that the cover is begining to melt above the spark plug, and the cover does not even sit flush as it should. The shop supposidly added a new(?) plug and filter, saying it didn't have a filter when brought in. My brother used it last and said it did (and we all know what happens without one when in use.) Too much wrong, not enough apparently right here to justify not pursuing this further. And on this particular model, can enough interchangable parts be mixed and matched to make a frankenstein 024/026/?? where it just doesn't work?
If the shop employee told her that she had no proof, in my mind that's very suspicious. Any upstanding shop would not tell ANY customer that, they would calmly explain the situation if they could, or offer to look at the saw and try and find out what might have happened. You don't just cop an attitude and send someone on their way. That's a big red flag of guilt. I don't know all the details here but I'd make a report with the authorities as well, just in case the serial number does not match, that way if they did switch out the saw body, and it turned up in a pawn shop or something, then the serial number is recorded as stolen and you MAY see your saw again. Otherwise if what was suspected of happening here did happen and the shop covered it up, without the serial number reported soon enough, the saw won't be seen again.

I'm on your side OP, that's just not right. Yes, maybe you should contact the shop owner and CALMLY talk about the situation, but I think you are doing fine so far. Get the shop name and contact number ASAP and call them. Maybe there IS just a misunderstanding here.

And everyone needs to understand this is not our battle, it is the OP's battle. Let's kindly chill out a little and be supportive, not taking stabs at the way he has handled this.
Im not personally attacking you, ok? I've given advice (opinion) on how to proceed and feel it is very logical advice. The fact that you have a registered S/N from Stihl to verify is exellent news. It just boggles my mind that havent asked the experts here where the S/N is located or the other fact that you now know the registered S/N but have made no attempt to resolve the issue by just looking for the S/N to compare. It might be in plain sight, no tools required to access it yet you havent even asked where it might be on the saw. Albeit your mother is 75 years old, surely it would be easier for her or your brother to check the vin (assuming its in plain site) rather than taking it down to the local hardware store. It would certainly be easy to ask us where it might be located! Just another assumption but maybe your mother and brother have no interest in resolving this, my instinct is that you are the one that is making the accusations against the shop hence straight to the legal route. If the shop was closed the next locigal step (oops, there I go using logic again) would be to call the shop and ask to speak to the owner about the issue. That is something you have control over. Keep in mind, the shop owner might not oversee every single peice of equipment that passes through the doors and sometimes the employees dont have the same standard as the owners. That is unfortunate but it can happen. Talking witht he shop owner and allowing him to correct the mistake (if any) is typicall how things work.

I was going to open with "Ok, nothing personal taken." until I read the assumption part. I Just as its sometimes hard to communicate thoughts and events here, I have to do the same with them there. I am taking steps to get this resolved contrary to what you are indicating. But also in doing so, I'm trying not to mess anything up or allow anyone to else to do so. As I said, you or I can easily check the number, its a no brainer for us. Stihl told me where to check in our comminicae and I've informed her. The chainsaw is more filthy than the one she took in. My brother got home late and only went as far to take out a can of Chemtool B-12 carb cleaner before going to bed. Since I was going to have her take my chainsaw in to get a new primer bulb and fuel line, I decided it was best not to have my brother touch it. Just so you know, he has challenges in life, enough said there on that. I want competant accuracy, and where best to get it than from a reputable place. You should recognize that if you run a business. The checking of the number can wait a few days longer, nothing is happening between now and then.

As for calling back the shop, as I said, I though she did check in with the owner and only this morning found out that it was the only person there at the time, an employee. After first learning of the problem, I did review checks of the place and found enough negatives that any further contact would likely end as the reviews indicated, best to proceed with after the serial check is done. If it the same as my dads, nothing more to do, if it is not and either comes up in Stihl database as lost/stolen or registered to someone else, I've advised her to allow the shop owner to have a chance to make it right, you've pointed out, that it could be a bad employee, unknown to the owner. Without knowing any true facts and valid information, its hard to line the ducks up.

Assumptions can be a bad thing as I've learned many times. "Assume" break into "Ass" of "u" and "me", lets not do that here.

If my mother had no interest in this, why would she call me nearly in tears when she opened the case? My brother probably doesn't care much, as I've told my mom. I've explained the legal rights part and reason, and accusations pertain to a named entity, which there is none know openly on this forum or any other, speculation is best at this point until those ducks either line up or get dispersed. I can easily send her another chainsaw, so why would I find it so important to be the instigator if I didn't feel it was right to do? Your sarcasm tends to make me believe you are more interested in protecting a shop more so than I am in finding the truth of what is going on and persuing it properly.
If the shop employee told her that she had no proof, in my mind that's very suspicious. Any upstanding shop would not tell ANY customer that, they would calmly explain the situation if they could, or offer to look at the saw and try and find out what might have happened. You don't just cop an attitude and send someone on their way. That's a big red flag of guilt. I don't know all the details here but I'd make a report with the authorities as well, just in case the serial number does not match, that way if they did switch out the saw body, and it turned up in a pawn shop or something, then the serial number is recorded as stolen and you MAY see your saw again. Otherwise if what was suspected of happening here did happen and the shop covered it up, without the serial number reported soon enough, the saw won't be seen again.

I'm on your side OP, that's just not right. Yes, maybe you should contact the shop owner and CALMLY talk about the situation, but I think you are doing fine so far. Get the shop name and contact number ASAP and call them. Maybe there IS just a misunderstanding here.

And everyone needs to understand this is not our battle, it is the OP's battle. Let's kindly chill out a little and be supportive, not taking stabs at the way he has handled this.

Agreed, my battle. Your opinion lines up with mine, thank you. Sanity check complete! I just want to be right in what I do here, I've asked in the thread title for help in the form of "helpful" ideas, et all, not to be bashed trying to persue what is going on and communicate that out when others comment, suggest or ask.

I do like Guido's no nonsense post though, in a nutshell, he's right to a point. I wonder why he bothered to say anything feeling that way?
There are decent people and there are plenty of crooked heartless people that will do that sort of thing. I 've been taken in similar situations and witnessed others likewise. It sucks dealing with cheaters and liars.
Do be certain of what happened before assuming though and be careful not to make a worse situation dealing with it.
A minor case for me, I came up missing an expensive gas cap after fueling at a certain station. The attendant claimed they hadn't saw nothing like it around. I asked when the manager would be in and surprised them when I settled down to wait. Wasn't long and the attendant came from the back with it in his hand.
If your dealing with their top dog, they sure can take you through the wash with their lies until you can, if you can certainly point it out and then may be you can gain some ground back.
Check the number on the saw for crying out loud. If your 75 year old mother cannot read a number the same size as news print, she has no business driving the car to the shop either.

Surely she doesn't have a neighbor or friend who can read mumbers?

Yes, I'm making assumptions. Until you have a verified number discrepancy, this is just a pot-stirring thread.

Whoa,.... read before you post - she relies on others for transportation, the only pot stirring is from those replying. Please calm down. Saturday will hopefully be the end game. Neighbors are not so close and some not so friendly or welcomed, they are far spread out due to locality. Please stand by.
If I understand things right , you have a 024 top cover with markings on it,(name, number, initials, ext) that you know your father put on it. You have a serial number from stihl that says its an 026? How do you know its the same saw stihl has registered. If your mom cannot read the serial number, how can she tell one saw from another? I am not siding with the shop owners , if they did pull a fast one on your mother I hope they get what they deserve. Things just don't add up for you to make much of a case.
If I understand things right , you have a 024 top cover with markings on it,(name, number, initials, ext) that you know your father put on it. You have a serial number from stihl that says its an 026? How do you know its the same saw stihl has registered. If your mom cannot read the serial number, how can she tell one saw from another? I am not siding with the shop owners , if they did pull a fast one on your mother I hope they get what they deserve. Things just don't add up for you to make much of a case.

Yes, my mom has a cover plate that she marked after my father passed (assumed) and has had in her possession since his passing. It was purchased sometime before 1995 and (Stihl's) records shows a registration of a serial number in 1995. I spent two+ days researching an 024 model before finally asking Stihl about the situation and finding from them that he, my dad, had registered an 026 model. Yes, it was a bit shocking to find it different, parts are interchangeable as they are so similar and it has had plenty of use.
I'm sure that because of the time past, and services she has had to keep this saw tuned upped for use, she can keep a mental record of it over its use in time, she is not that incapacitated mentally, yet. I talk to her 2 or 3 times a week and keep track as it is a concern. The reason for her not reading it's number has been described in earlier posts, she does not have the necessary mechanical skills as some do for this. She is NOT a chainsaw user. If you people responding would please read and comprehend, she owns its and others use it for her needs, wood for winter heating! 90% of her wood, I or my siblings purchase for, but this years seems more difficult. She can't read the number because she doesn't know one part from another and the chainsaw is more dirty than she remember the one brought in, even though I've relayed the information from Stihl of where the serial number is located. My brother was going to use a carb cleaner on it, buy I didn't want him to do so (read earlier post regarding such!) I want accuracy to continue on and am seeking such. I don't know if a real switch was pulled until I get verification, and I want it from a competent source. Not my mom, nor brother, but someone who knows what they are looking for, and exactly where they need to look to find it. Also more on that in earlier posts. Things do add up, but answers given from the shop don't match when attitude is considered in.

Just alone, on its own merit, that chainsaw used before worked well in the past, now after it came back from this one shop, looks different, didn't run well, has caused melting of its known previous part marked, and now is non op. You tell me? I understand that everyone has questions, I have questions, but the facts are speaking for themselves right now. After the number is verified and checked, more questions will be settled. If my mothers feelings were not so involved, I would just simply just buy another to replace it, its just that simple. But if someone is taking seemingly helpless elderly for granted for their pitiful gain, I have issues, beside believing in her judgment for now.

I'm sorry for getting so touchy on this now, but things do seem to add up to me and until I get specific answers, I have to view the know and judge based on those known and continue, based on verified and verifiable facts. Please don't take this personal, but previous posters are showing bias' due to neglect to reading what's written, and/or, incomprehension of what's stated. I can only repeat so many times.
Please follow Guido's advise. Sorry to waste your time, especially since you didn't take the time to read this through. My attitude is to understand the facts and proceed, and please don't bother posting yours here any further.
I read the whole thread. I commented. If you do not like the replies you're getting, you have the power to delete this thread.
I sincerely do hope that the situation works out for your mother. I don't want to see anyone get scammed, having gone through it myself (along with a few other members here recently.)
Watched it! Go Giants! - Bochie has made his claim!
Did I post that in this thread? Oops! o_O
I am so confused right now! My editing skills are seriously lacking! Anyways, I hope it all works out for your mother...
I am so confused right now! My editing skills are seriously lacking! Anyways, I hope it all works out for your mother...

Understandable, but try to understand the timeline of what's occurred here. Its difficult for me too. I'm getting advise after the fact, which in some situations is pointless. But still, go Giants! Thanks for being honest.
I truly hope your mother gets peace of mind out of this and your future threads here are positive experiences.

That said, don't get your hopes up on this one. To many people relaying information and to many people involved in general just make for to many variables in my opinion. Your brother can't be depended on to read a number so maybe he's inadvertently done something with the saw to change it? You say others cut wood for her, are they using this saw? You say Your neighbors aren't the greatest, foul play there? Like I said, lot of variables. I would contact the hardware store directly to get the number they get from it.
Here is the deal, guy. The top cover is the only thing that says the model number on it. 024AV EV to quote you, which does not exist, but 024AV EQ does..... Either way, the only identifiable (as mentioned by you several times) part on the saw is NOT an 026 part, which is what your dad registered per Stihl. I.E. there is a grand discrepancy in your story already.

Also worth noting that the saw is 19 years old, by your word that it was registered in 1995. Even if it ran well before, rubber components like intakes, impulse lines, crank seals, and carb diaphragms can and will fail at any time, especially 20 year old ones.

I'm not saying that the shop didn't pull a fast one here, but your story is already weak, and there would be little sense swapping the engine from a $150 026 with the engine from s $145 024. Those saws are pretty much the same.
Here is the deal, guy. The top cover is the only thing that says the model number on it. 024AV EV to quote you, which does not exist, but 024AV EQ does..... Either way, the only identifiable (as mentioned by you several times) part on the saw is NOT an 026 part, which is what your dad registered per Stihl. I.E. there is a grand discrepancy in your story already.

Also worth noting that the saw is 19 years old, by your word that it was registered in 1995. Even if it ran well before, rubber components like intakes, impulse lines, crank seals, and carb diaphragms can and will fail at any time, especially 20 year old ones.

I'm not saying that the shop didn't pull a fast one here, but your story is already weak, and there would be little sense swapping the engine from a $150 026 with the engine from s $145 024. Those saws are pretty much the same.

These are what I was sent to work with in the begining. Yes, I did a typo on the name plate. Stihl is the one who said he registered an 026 in 1995, and yes, parts do get changed out periodically. But when its returned after such a lengthly time for such simple work to be done, with enough recognizable differance, it warrants further checking into. To me, its a chainsaw, but to my mom, its my dads chainsaw. Its kept in the house, in the shop area, no one takes it for thier use, just to cut deadtree wood on her acreage. My brother does not work on it, only uses it when she lets him. Since my dads passing, it has seen a shop a few times, but always came back looking the same as when it went in. Just working better. None the less, I understand what you are saying here and just the plate differance does indicate changes made by my dad some time past. But the real point here is if a shop took advantage of an elderly individual by pulling a fast one thinking that they wouldn't know the differance. My mom has conceded to the fact that if it was swapped out, it'll probably never be seen again. Its done. Now what can I do for her since she asked my help to fix the issue. She has mine there, it needs those rubber parts replaced since its been sitting in its case for a few years, so I've asked her to take it in as explained previously. No harm in letting a Stihl dealer make a determination.
1022141935-00.jpg 1022141934-01.jpg
What is the SN of this saw she now has?
He can't get that, Brad.

He can get someone to remove the cover and photograph the part # of a perfectly clean shroud, but no chance of getting pics of the S/N or even someone to read it. Never mind that it is 1" from that cover, and requires no disassembly to read.
He can't get that, Brad.

He can get someone to remove the cover and photograph the part # of a perfectly clean shroud, but no chance of getting pics of the S/N or even someone to read it. Never mind that it is 1" from that cover, and requires no disassembly to read.

When I asked to get this piture to start researching it, we didn't even know this has a serial number that we could check or even where it was. To you, its like the back of your hand, to them its a tool that they use and someone else maintains. Why can't people understand that not everyone is as smart as you are? God man, you guys are way too critical on every little thing here. There is a timeline of how this is occuring and you guys only seem to want to pick this apart, find faults and how I can do this and cant get that. This forum is divided in two ways/groups, helpers PMing me with help, critics mostly posting comment for all to see. Its a shame you all can't seem to understand that the situation occured, and I want them, family, to not do much more than nothing except try to use it to cut wood, and leave the mechanics to a professional. Is that too hard to understand? I would probably do best to delete this damn posting all together and move on. I just can't believe some people can't step out of thier box and take and objective view. You guys are too much.
On an 026, you find it arrow pointing to the S/N


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