Introducing myself and my firewood hoarding journey

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Duramax hd

ArboristSite Member
Jan 13, 2014
Reaction score
Hey AS. Been on here a while, wanted to say hey, and show off some pics of my journey of becoming a firewood hoarder, and a chainsaw addict. All thanks to this site by the thanks a lot guys. My girlfriend has seen the transformation and thinks I've gone off the deep end!

Anyways, here is the short story:

Bought my first house last year in Newtown CT. Did not have one thought about how I was going to afford to heat the house, as it was July, and heat was not even a consideration. Well after moving in, and painting the place, it dawned on me! Fast forward a few months I fortunatly had a good friend in the chimney bussiness. I realized it was time to grow up, soI sold my sportbike for a brand new wood stove. After installing a new SS liner, and stove, I thought I was all set....boy was I wrong. I was lucky to have an uncle that whad been working on clearing some land 10 miles from my new house, so we spent the late summer splitting and stacking. I made out with 4 cords out of the deal, and he got 12+ cords of stacked wood and labot out of me. Wood burned OK but I didnt know any better. Now fast forward to the spring, after spending all winter reading up on chainsaws and wood burning practices on AS, is when I started to spiral out of control! bought an 038 Mag, and a 562xp saw from a friend that was getting out of tree work, and had an 023 that was my main saw that I bartered for. I started my scrounging HARD. After realizing how much it sucked to move wood in a dodge dakota, I went out and bought myself a K3500 dump. Figured any serious home owner needs one of those, so I could justify the purchase. Man is that one of the best investments I've ever made. All summer, I scored some awesome free firewood craigslist finds. I mean some seriosuly awesome ones. Met some great people giving the wood away, and some not so good people, but I had a blast doing it all. I cant even tell you how many full dump truck loads of rounds I bought in. To the point of developing a whole wood splitting/dumoing area with its own driveway I made, and still ran out of room. I just wanted to share a few pics along the way, and my equipment for getting it all done. I greatly enjoy the site, and frequent it multiple times a day. Im getting real serious with firewood now, and have a few log trucks coming in to drop off full logs to process. Going to sell a little to friends and family next year to help offset my chainsaw addiction purchases nad maybe buy me a nice TW 6 way splitter. Hope you guys enjoy the pics. I'll try to put them in the order of when things happened, but not sure it it'll work out. First time uploading pics to the site.

old hearth.JPGFireplace after some moving in and some paint
new stove.JPG New Naploen 1402 stove. Dogs new favorite spot
trailer of wood.JPGMy first free craigslist score using my dads brand new truck...he wasnt to thrilled
dog playing on logs.JPGDogs new jungle gym. My favorite cutting and splitting partner
GF working.JPGTeaching the GF how a hard days work feels
load of oak.JPG Load of red oak. Dump trucks first workout
working on saws.JPG Playing with the new saws
more rounds.JPGLoad of rounds
rounds.JPG More rounds
mountain of splits.JPG Oak split in march for 2015
wood stack.JPGOne of my current stacks. Not the prettiest, but hasnt fallen over. This was my first stacking experience other then some small rows
next years wood.JPGNext years rounds waiting to be split. This was late summer. Half of the pile is split. It'll all be put up in stacks this december
new hearth.JPGDecided the fireplace neededa new look. A good friend did this for me. 250yr old sugar maple mantle with the tap whole plug holes still visisble
Hi Duramax, welcome to AS. Dang dude we have got you seriously infected. Nice looking toys and little buddy.
Welcome Duramax!!

You've definitely started off on the right foot!!

If that's your motor on the stand in your avatar picture....NICE!!!!

Nothing wrong with dual Monica's.
The FAD is strong in you. :D

Nice to see you're able to get some work out of the lady. I took the wife out to clean brush one day and she called me a "crazy person" when I was displeased she was ready for mojito's after 2 hours. It was the spot for her garden too.
Haha thanks. Shes defintely the one I'm going to marry. She's out there splitting with me every now and then. That was her first day shes seen a chainsaw in action, but she kind of digged it. She's not much of the out doors type, but she come a hell of a long was. 2 years ago she wouldnt be caught dead in camo, holdign a chainsaw, let alone operating one! But sounds like you wife and her have lots in common as she was spent and ready for a glass of wine after 2 hours.

Hi Duramax, welcome to AS. Dang dude we have got you seriously infected. Nice looking toys and little buddy.
Thanks man. Yeah infected big time. I tend to not know how to do things in excess. Sometimes its a good thing, but sometimes Im in over my head! I guess with firewood, to much is never abad thign though!
Welcome Duramax!!

You've definitely started off on the right foot!!

If that's your motor on the stand in your avatar picture....NICE!!!!

Nothing wrong with dual Monica's.
Thank you sir. Thats a triple turbo duramax built motor on the stand. Boy did I have some fun with that motor! Had to sell the chargers and built motor to buy the house, but you're only young and dumb once right??!
Howdy, great pics! You jumped in feet first hard, cool beans man!
Thank you very much. I've learned a lot from you over the months on this site.
Triples?!?!?! SWEET!!!! I thought it was twins by looking at your picture. That 'ol girl had to light YESTERDAY!!! Very nice.

Boy that had to be a tight fit under that hood.
My wife's been a project to get where she is. She's gone from only liking the idea of living out in the woods to actually pursuing and reading books about homesteading and raising animals. I haven't gotten her out hunting yet, but I think that's mainly because she doesn't shoot much (if ever) during the year and doesn't feel comfortable killing an animal wrong - which isn't entirely a bad thing (because of my beliefs on ethical killing).

The pics are great! Love the mantle too.
I took the wife out to clean brush one day and she called me a "crazy person" when I was displeased she was ready for mojito's after 2 hours.
thats the difference between a wife and a g/f. lol. jk.
welcome to AS!!! awesome pics and i love the mantle. :) we like pics around here, so dont hesitate to keep em coming. :)
View attachment 383290Dogs new jungle gym. My favorite cutting and splitting partner
View attachment 383291Teaching the GF how a hard days work feels
View attachment 383292 Load of red oak. Dump trucks first workout
View attachment 383293 Playing with the new saws
View attachment 383294Load of rounds
View attachment 383295 More rounds
View attachment 383296 Oak split in march for 2015
View attachment 383297One of my current stacks. Not the prettiest, but hasnt fallen over. This was my first stacking experience other then some small rows
View attachment 383298Next years rounds waiting to be split. This was late summer. Half of the pile is split. It'll all be put up in stacks this december
View attachment 383299Decided the fireplace neededa new look. A good friend did this for me. 250yr old sugar maple mantle with the tap whole plug holes still visisble
The new mantle looks great! There's worse things you could do with your time and money!
Triples?!?!?! SWEET!!!! I thought it was twins by looking at your picture. That 'ol girl had to light YESTERDAY!!! Very nice.

Boy that had to be a tight fit under that hood.
triples.JPGtriples.JPGtriples 2.JPGyup it was a prototype setup that I was tesing out for my turbo fabricator. I had twins previously and needed MORE POWA. Long story short is the rods decided they wanted a vacation, and exited the through the side of the block. Hence the buult motor on the stand.
My wife's been a project to get where she is. She's gone from only liking the idea of living out in the woods to actually pursuing and reading books about homesteading and raising animals. I haven't gotten her out hunting yet, but I think that's mainly because she doesn't shoot much (if ever) during the year and doesn't feel comfortable killing an animal wrong - which isn't entirely a bad thing (because of my beliefs on ethical killing).

The pics are great! Love the mantle too.
Thats really cool. I haven't gotten her to read some of the books on the outdoors I have, but I'm pretty close! Hats off to you though! My gf has expressed interest in going out for a hunt with me, but she doesnt know how she'd feel if she saw me drop a deer. She also says she doesnt want to go on a morning hunt, and prefers the afternoon hunt as 4:00am isnt apealing to her haha. We will see if that happens though.
thats the difference between a wife and a g/f. lol. jk.
welcome to AS!!! awesome pics and i love the mantle. :) we like pics around here, so dont hesitate to keep em coming. :)
Haha thats awesome. I'll keep the pics flowin
I thought it was the gf sleeps with you, and the wife pushes you off the bed? :p
Now that is funny
The mantle looks great! There's worse things you could do with your time and money!
Thank man. I just turned 27, so im a little ahead of most my age, and all my buddies. They still are supporting the local bar, and dont understand why I never can go with them...its because I have to many saws and projects to fund!


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! "WELCOME DURAMAX HD " ! to the site and let me be the first to say "you suck" ... (this is a good word around here) for now we have to go out and better up on our old equipment! ! "THANKS " ! for a new reason to buy more saws, tools.... lol
! "WELCOME DURAMAX HD " ! to the site and let me be the first to say "you suck" ... (this is a good word around here) for now we have to go out and better up on our old equipment! ! "THANKS " ! for a new reason to buy more saws, tools.... lol
Chucker, thanks for the welcome. ya know I've heard that phrase a lot around here! I think I've said it to myself reading some posts around here. I think I'll add some suck'age to my thread here and show off another piece of equipment I have access to...I convinced my old man that we needed a backhoe as my house had lots of landscaping that needed done(mainly for my wood hoarding purposes) so we went out and bought a sweet New Holland TC40. The thing is an amzing piece of machinery that I think everyone needs to own once in there life. The thing is pretty damn useful, but I gotta say it REALLY fixes on project while creating another. Anywyas here are the pics. GF and my Niece the day after we brought it home. and some working pics new holland.JPGnew holland working.JPGnew holland making a mess.JPGmoving wood.JPG
oh- now you really went an did it!! there's no such word to use here for all that great looking machine to only have for your own use! now as the one of the newest members here your going to have to loan it out to the other members to see how much we can get away with barrowing from you for free!!! lol B.T.W. you are a lucky man, family an all! best to you and yours....
Duramax, welcome to AS. Some great pics posted, keep em coming. This place is a wealth of knowledge, if you don't know the answer just ask.
Welcome Duramax HD!!
Looking at all your toys and that new blue do suck (lol).
But all kidding aside, we all like our wood fires around here, and the tools and toys that go with.
Nothing better than a hard days work with saw and axe. Makes you feel alive and part of the land.
Nice pics, keep 'em coming.

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