Georgia spring 2015 GTG (May 30, 2015)

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Trying them all
Jul 26, 2010
Reaction score
middle Georgia
Been talking with Groundi and we've decided to have a Spring 2015 GTG. Now that we've done one, we think we could pull it off with less stress. We still have logs on site and so forth. The date is Saturday, May 30th.

I realize this date will not work with everyone and there is never a date that is good with everyone. So we'll just go with it and if you can come, come. Everyone that attended seemed to have a good time and we're still heating the shop with cookies. lol.

We will do the food a little different than last time. It will be simpler and more streamlined. Basically, we'll provide food (grilled burgers/dogs/etc.) and some sides. Attendees can bring desserts if they like. Beverages will be provided (soft drinks, water, lemonade)

This will be a non alcoholic event and the venue will be at the hangar again. (we can do this rain/shine)

We can accommodate self contained RV's

This first post will be the location for additional details. Hope to see all ya'll.

We're about an hour from Atlanta, Macon and Columbus, GA in zip code 30206. Adjust your schedules and get your saws ready.
Could a guy actually fly into your airstrip ??
Ya see I got this buddy, and he's kinda becoming a sawnut, and he has a plane,,,,,,,,,how long is the airstrip ??

And I hear ya about the stress of the 1st. GTG ...... You guys have a great setup..
I figure we'll have grilling capability and have burgers, hotdogs and maybe some brats. When someone's hungry, they can throw something on the grill or someone can handle that if they want. Then we'll have some baked beans, assorted chips, potato salad, etc. If someone WANTS to bring food other than desserts, it won't be prohibited but we thought it would just be easier to supply it on this end.
Groundi has agreed (with some persuasion) to make up some of her famous venison/sausage burgers. These are made by mixing breakfast sausage with ground venison and then she seasons them with garlic powder, onion powder, seasoned salt and black pepper. They're worth eating. Dang, now I'm getting hungry...