Beware of Suck Back!

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If she was real good she could take that quarter spin around a brass pole 3 times then give you change back 2 dimes and a indian head nickel !:cheers:
If she was real good she could take that quarter spin around a brass pole 3 times then give you change back 2 dimes and a indian head nickel !:cheers:

Now thats a different story all together, this is about suck back, not what Al Bundy left on the stage :biggrinbounce2:
Ha! I saw that yesterday (or was it this morning, I can't remember). I should have know it would end up getting flamed here.:biggrinbounce2:
I once sucked a flock of geese into the intakes of my 353. It was scary for a few minutes but I managed to land it in a farmer's field without loss of life.

I once sucked a flock of geese into the intakes of my 353. It was scary for a few minutes but I managed to land it in a farmer's field without loss of life.


Dang, that sucks....well, the 353 did....

but could you post pics of its superstructure? Maybe you need bigger flaps....
Ok, now.....that muffler sucks (pun tended, right Miss Lovelace)....the stock port has been drilled out forward too much, so gases will be directed straight toward the brake....that could get smelly...mebbe he likes sniffing melting plastic.

and that other port, while eerily similar to Andy's great design, has way too small of an orifice (that's a scary word in light of the direction you gutterminded fellas have sent this thread....)to do much good at all.

suck starting a Honda, eh??!! This babe I GOTTA meet...oh yeah..... hmmmm. kinda puts to shame the ladies with the claims to fame of sucking tennis balls through garden hosers.....oopss make that hoses....
One time, at band camp, I saw a girl suck a clainet right up between them lips, now that is suck back!!! Another time I seen four quaters picked up, and dropped one at a time!! I won't say were I saw that either!

The Elbow Room in Dutch Harbor? Casey's in McCall Idaho? The Vance Log Cabin in Eureka? Any bar in Missoula Montana?
Suck back, isn't that what the recoil does to the starter rope?

All my suck backs work great. Sometimes when my suck back doesn't work, I throw a suck back tantrum.

Wait, wait... so to go along with rbtree's serious rant... homeboy said that having the second port is like opening up the vent on a gas can. On a gas can, the vent lets air get "sucked back" into the can, so if the port did work as he says (obviously doesn't, gases attempting to go from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure, no way in hell there's going to be a vacuum on one of the holes and pressure on the other, but let's pretend, and go along with him) then "suck back" is happening with his mufflers. In one of his previous listings for just the cover, he said that stihl made dp covers for the 066, but not the 044/046. I called him out on that, and somewhere in the talk after that, it became apparent he was a member of one or more of these sites, but I have selective amnesia. WTF indeed.
The Elbow Room in Dutch Harbor?

Been there! I've actually spent alot of time in Dutch. Ziggy's (now Amelia's) has the best reindeer sausage omelette west of Anchorage, and room 311 in the Grand Aluetian has free Spanktravision. (Seriously....)

Oh yeah, I broke a lamp with a gal in room 218 there on one know that joke about crushing her cigarettes....yeah, that actually happened.