What We Would Like To See New/Changes In Saws!!!

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A nice grippy surface on the top handle of an 020 would be nice.I used to wrap mine with Tennis racket grip but it soon became tired.I spoke to a Sthil research and development guy in Germany years ago,it was when Husly came out with their climbing saw.He said that if conditions prevented you from holding the saw improperly you should cease work!
He's obviously never spent the day in a slimy Lime tree in the pi$$ing rain then.

I can agree with that...The biggest thing I hate about the 020/MS200 is the control switch...It seems like everytime I let the saw hang from my saddle at idle to change positions,the switch bumps something and the thing cuts off.....It gets old when you are out on the end of a limb and are hanging on with one hand while trying to get the thing cranked with the other....I also wish husky would put a chain brake handle on the 395 with double sided mounts like all the other new husky's.And I hate those new gas and oil caps Stihl is using...I liked the screw on caps much better...They are still on the 660 and 650.
I thought that all the new Stihls had the flippey-thingey oil and gas caps...

And what is with the dial-o-matic easy chain adjuster thing? They look cheap and prone to fail to me. I'll keep the simple side screw and bar nuts.

If I remember correctly the 170, 180, 660, and 880 do not have the newer flip up lock caps. I have no problem with the new caps so whats all the fuss?!? As for other issues, better air filters hell yeah...hello stihl, the 260 af sucks! I also think that ALL front adjust tensioners should be banned from any chain saw regardless of price or size haha.
Yeah the swithc does suc

The switch was one of the good points of the Husky climbing saw (there were very few good points).
Also 020's could have a more robust chainbreak handle,I've broken so many of those.Moving the tag onto which you attach your lanyard to the otherside of the saw would help prevent the exhaust burning your leg.All these things we brought up in early 2000.But the Husky climbing saw proved to be such a $hitter I guess Sthil didn't feel threatend enough to innovate further.The local Husky rep lent me a "new" Husky climbing saw last summer in the States,it broke on the first Tree I used it on,(Chain break).
The first Husky climbing saw broke when I taped the trigger down and threw it out of a Tree into a carpark.ooppps.
What would you guys like to see new or changed in saws...........besides weight..........(as we all know about that one).

Off the top of my head I wish all manufacturers would get onboard with better air filter systems and all have side tesioners for the chains.

Also I would like to see a little more generousity on the bar oilers.


Get rid of the rev-limiters!!!

How about a "nitros" switch for our backcut:biggrinbounce2:
Gas and oil plugs. Again, how much product did you shove up your noses? these new "flip" up pop top twist fuel/oil caps are a frikking joke! THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG with the tried and true screw on cap!!! why did you change it? i really LOVE being covered in fuel becasue your stupid fliptop pop top fliipppy floppy flip floptiptop bop de dbop gas caps BREAK beacues they are CHEAP PLASTIC!!!!!


Lol, I gave you some flippy flop debop top rep for it ! :hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

Seriously, I think Stihl will change this item once a "covered in fuel person" will actually catch fire :mad:

Some pretty good idea's here :

- internet sales for parts would suit my purpose (collector) very well too
- a universal bar mount on major brands would allow for swapping bars easily and cut cost for pro users

last but not least : a nice, long legged blonde service lady instead of the grumpy old fart at my local stihl dealer would make me go there much more often :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
last but not least : a nice, long legged blonde service lady instead of the grumpy old fart at my local stihl dealer would make me go there much more often.

2 problems with this idea:
1. Leggy blonde 20 years, 3 children and 30 pounds later, still wearing revealing clothes and still behind counter. ;)
2. Wifey after she spies her young legginess, will INSIST you purchase parts over the Internet.:bang:
It seems to me that over the years all types of equipment manufacturers are trying to become "user friendly". Actually I think it has made things more difficult especially for those that use their saws daily. We have 4 different models of stihl in our stable and each is completely different. So these are my observations from servicing them.

-standardize bolt sizes and lengths for the entire saw. So when you go back to putting it together you don't have a dozen different sizes and length of bolts.

-get rid of all the places that catch sawdust (especially the chain covers). With all the sawdust that gets trapped under the covers and around the components you could save close to half a pound of weight after a day of cutting.

-standardize part between models so I can take the sprocket off one saw and use it on another, this includes bar, air filters, clutch, dogs etc.......

-standardized parts makes it easier to find part for discontinued models and keep production cost down when the company doesn't have to produce 500 different versions of a component.

-offer .325 and 3/8 pitch chains on most models.

On a side gripe why is it that when you take the covers off lets say the 361 and a 440, they are completely different. I feel like each saw is farmed out to an engineering student as a senior project.
On a side gripe why is it that when you take the covers off lets say the 361 and a 440, they are completely different. I feel like each saw is farmed out to an engineering student as a senior project.

It's because they are different saws... designed 18 years part. The 440 has much more in common with the 024 though MS880 pro style saws than the MS361. The newer AV of the 361 is where the changes occur.
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Ok how about Husky for a buck, stihls for fifty cents that way I would buy every model made!!! Kinda wish when they made a good one they would
not change the contraption anyone else feel that way?
How about an onboard chain sharpener? You need a touchup just hold down a button and rev the saw! Ding new edge!

What about putting gaffs on them and make em remote control so we dont have to climb?

How about a heated handle,, wait Stihl already thought of that..

Laser felling sights, That would be really cool. You could see a laser line on the ground instead of squinting down the black line on the side of the saw.
How about an onboard chain sharpener? You need a touchup just hold down a button and rev the saw! Ding new edge!

What about putting gaffs on them and make em remote control so we dont have to climb?

How about a heated handle,, wait Stihl already thought of that..

Laser felling sights, That would be really cool. You could see a laser line on the ground instead of squinting down the black line on the side of the saw.

Laser bright enough to do any good might either blind the guy working the next tree over, or might even down an airplane.
First semi direct injection: low emmisions and no need for restricted mufflers and fuel economy is amazing. Second an aftermarket chip that advances the timing and is programable. Third supercharger or functioning turbo, smaller saws could make tonnes of power and be light as a feather. bar oil cartridges that just snap in a sharp tube could puncture it and your in business same goes for premix, only make em different shapes so you can't mix em up. beeper for when your gas and bar oil tank is almost empty. Sensor that stops detonation and ******* the timing. Kickback sensor on the end of the bar that activates a magnetic brake. Stihl and Husky merger and all their saws standardized and built in one factory. two way radio/gps that is removable from the top o the saw with a panic button. Gel grips. Choice of saw colour. I could keep going but I don't want my post to be too long.
double posted by accident. Another one: quick connect for air compressor that cleans the saw from inside out.
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LOUDER! i want to fire up my saw and have the ground shake, kids panicking and cowering beneath desks, fish leaping out the lakes and flopping on the ground, deer falling over scared to death, grizzlies whimpering in their dens, grown men sweating and white with fear as the murderous howling rumble echoes across the land, like the gates of hell have just opened up and a million Horsemen of the Apocalypse are surging forth across the land, driving 2000HP open header drag cars instead of horses.

i want that kind of loud in my saw. :rock: :rockn:

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