Well I am doing a stihl 051 magnum build started with a ts510 saw man they don't build em like they used to. Going to switch to the 051 crankcase tomorrow.
Not on the bench because I need the room, but the only thing I have right now is a Shindaiwa brushcutter. Died suddenly in the cut.
I have diagnosed a bad carburetor and I am presently waiting for a TK rebuild kit (and a backup cheap Chinese TK clone ), so the brushcutter is parked in the boiler room, well out of the way.
It also has a cracked exhaust shield, a typical issue on these brushcutters, and that will be really funny to patch up, even funnier than the damn TK carburetor, which says it all.
I used to have an 041 that looked pretty similar to that 051 but probably smaller. Right now I have a 455 Rancher with some carb or fuel system issue, runs flat out to about 3/4 throttle then bogs down past that.
An oily mess of a Poulan 3400. Got cleaned up a bit and running, and the idle adjusted. But about pulled my shoulder out of the socket pulling that cord so many times. And no chain brake.
Reminded me why I bought a brand new Echo CS490 a couple of weeks ago. Starts easy, runs great, doesn't leak, and about three pounds lighter.
Just got off the bench is this farmertec 361 clone chainsaw I just built. I added OEM Stihl clutch , lazer 20in bar and chain and NGK plug .runs good so far with a few heat cycles through it.
281xp from the 80's. Runs strong, needs new oiler worm gear. Dealer gave me a later version and can't get the old style. 1958 Mac 1-40, an 015L, and a Husky 35.
On my bench, actually on the floor is a Stihl FS85 trimmer and a TS420 concrete saw. I'm not crazy about working on concrete saws but decided to try it, then the owner of the first one brought me 2 more to rebuild. The FS85 just needed a new carb to replace the non-adjustable one...
Nice looking bunch Mark. I'm down to one lone Mac 605, almost sold it today but the guy I was gonna sell it to didn't show up. Think I'll just keep it now...I guess I still do have a PM55 but it's in a box and not all of it is there.
Dying thread. Just finished this pine pitch covered one. Not pretty, but runs nice. New Caber rings, fuel line, impulse line, fuel filter, carb boot, carb kit, opened muffler under stock deflector, spark plug, and hold a steady 7lbs vacuum, etc.
I guess this afternoon I'll be putting together another concrete saw, a Stihl TS400 this time. I already have it apart and cleaned, parts finally arrived so hopefully have it running pretty soon..
Funny this thread came up. I almost started a new one yesterday. Maybe we can get it going.
Duce one thing that has me thinking about enlarging the opening under the stock deflector is does the restriction now move to the deflector outlet itself? How much volume can flow out of there even if the opening before it is opened up? Yes it will for sure flow a little more than stock but is it enough?
I'm working on another 372. I convinced the customer to let me convert from XT to OE. Might as well since the 50mm top ends can be had for $110.