Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I've learned where to hit it and the method for splitting it effectively.
Yea, people try to hit the wood dead center, but if you just imagine a straight line and start closer to the edge, it improves your leverage on the wood split a lot. One you get a crack, accuracy is important, and just keep working it. I have split some huge rounds with the X-27.
Word to the wise from a seasoned class 1a firefighter..... if your stove gets away from you, damper down slowly. He saw many times where someone dampered down all at once in a panic and the pipe imploded and split leaving the roaring flue with all the air it needed to burn the house down! I will add that most of us burn properly so there is not much in our flue to burn. I brush mine but never get much more than a coffee cup of stuff that was totally burned already anyway. Some are still learning tho and don’t understand the dangers of constantly running at low temps.
I'm guessing that's on an old school setup with the damper in the pipe, mine slows airflow at the stove.
I get very little out of the chimney here too. The cap is another story, it catches fines and I have to clean it off(knock it off with a screwdriver handle). When it starts to get plugged I get a little back puffing in the house.
I figure if you burn seasoned wood and you burn it hot then you will not have the problems others have. A friend of ours from church just had a chimney fire, I'm not sure what happened, he's like 80 and has been burning for yrs. I'll ask him about it today when I see him.
Yes I fully agree haven't watched any of them since they went "big time". After these last couple years that old saying Money is the root to all evil I'm going to say it's accurate. I want an honest review of the tool so I can decide whether or not it will help me. I know the X27 works I had a ton of red oak here that I got from my SIL quite a few years ago. I had that in the shed along with the old maul I had as a kid. I hit it one time with the X27 and It was way better than the old maul saved me a ton of time and back problems on that job it definitely earned the money I payed for it.
That's actually one of the most misquoted verses of the Bible. Money itself is not the roof to all evil. It's the love of money that is the causation of straying and evils as described in 1 Timothy 6:10. Very few youtubers are honest and even though TY has policy that makes "creators" state when their videos contain a paid advertisement even in the form of free or discounted product, it's usually stated very inconspicuously. I've watched how Wranglerstar has changed over the years and it's pretty much par for the course when those guys get big and well known. They start out by making do with what they've got but when those sponsors show up they whore themselves out. It's the path a lot of those guys go down once they go fulltime on YT. Many of their videos have 2 or even 3 self-advertisements in them, and that's not including the YT ads that interrupt every so often.

Anywho, I've had an X27 for 7 or 8 years now. If it's crotchy or knotty, the maul comes out only because the X27 head gets stuck easily in those (elm esp). Otherwise the X27 is a very efficient tool, oftentimes so efficient that I find myself choking up on the handle. I don't know what it is but I cut a standing dead tree that even the straight grained sections made the X27 bounce off of. That's hydro splitter territory now.

One thing I need to get better at is always splitting the smaller stuff atop a big round. It usually blows through smaller stuff and buries itself in the dirt that the upper corner of the edge is chipped away on mine.
Got another 3 cords of Maple to buck up once the damm snow quits fall in . I just finished plowing with the ole diesel & my son drives in with the City 10 ton with 10 8' lengths of maple from a power line blow down on Friday morning . So I fired up the backhoe & dragged them to the wood deck that I had just finished plowing . Recieved another 6 " last nite , more plowing today !
Love my X27 have no idea why that Wranglerstar or that Buckin Character try and down them. I have plenty of time on a 6 and 8 pound maul and wedges and splitting axes. As a younger than I am man, well a boy really, I split the wood for the house for the winter all by hand. I've learned where to hit it and the method for splitting it effectively. Here when they came out I bought one right away and have used the heck out of it. I can tell you it works better than a maul. I have never broke the handle like these clowns have suggested, and even if you somehow did it has a lifetime warranty.
Totally agree! Love my x27.
Anywho, I've had an X27 for 7 or 8 years now. If it's crotchy or knotty, the maul comes out only because the X27 head gets stuck easily in those (elm esp). Otherwise the X27 is a very efficient tool, oftentimes so efficient that I find myself [choking up on the handle]. I don't know what it is but I cut a standing dead tree that even the straight grained sections made the X27 bounce off of. That's hydro splitter territory now.
I have an X27 given to me that the handle was broken on. I put a wooden handle on it and made it shorter. Around 28 inches. Handles real nice at that length.
Yea, people try to hit the wood dead center, but if you just imagine a straight line and start closer to the edge, it improves your leverage on the wood split a lot. One you get a crack, accuracy is important, and just keep working it. I have split some huge rounds with the X-27.
Yes that was exactly my problem in the beginning once I learned to work the edges it was off to the races. I too have a hydo splitter but for allot of that stuff I'm quicker with the X27 and exercise too.
That's actually one of the most misquoted verses of the Bible. Money itself is not the roof to all evil. It's the love of money that is the causation of straying and evils as described in 1 Timothy 6:10. Very few youtubers are honest and even though TY has policy that makes "creators" state when their videos contain a paid advertisement even in the form of free or discounted product, it's usually stated very inconspicuously. I've watched how Wranglerstar has changed over the years and it's pretty much par for the course when those guys get big and well known. They start out by making do with what they've got but when those sponsors show up they whore themselves out. It's the path a lot of those guys go down once they go fulltime on YT. Many of their videos have 2 or even 3 self-advertisements in them, and that's not including the YT ads that interrupt every so often.

Anywho, I've had an X27 for 7 or 8 years now. If it's crotchy or knotty, the maul comes out only because the X27 head gets stuck easily in those (elm esp). Otherwise the X27 is a very efficient tool, oftentimes so efficient that I find myself choking up on the handle. I don't know what it is but I cut a standing dead tree that even the straight grained sections made the X27 bounce off of. That's hydro splitter territory now.

One thing I need to get better at is always splitting the smaller stuff atop a big round. It usually blows through smaller stuff and buries itself in the dirt that the upper corner of the edge is chipped away on mine.
Thank you for the correction. I'm a little rusty on some of my verses. Fully agree though on all you said on YT heros. I'm not sure how ignorant you have to be to send someone 500 dollars on a live chat to someone that makes over 6 figures on YT a year. You have to have no morals to trick people out of their money. To me that's disgusting and I could never do that to someone.
The only use I found for a monster mall is to cut the handle off and use it for a cheater stick on a big ratchet, and throw the head in the ballest box on the tractor.

That’s what my cheater pipe is, but it broke off.
That’s the one. You told me to name it for donating it. 😁

Now I know who you are, I didn’t know until now. I had no idea you were on this forum. That’s not yours, both of those were done by a different club. Yours is at Mallard.
I agree totally with the comments on the X-27, but speed and accuracy are important to getting the most out of it.

I used to split all the wood to heat my house by hand (did not get a hydro splitter till 6 years ago).

When I started, I used a traditional 8 lb wood handle maul, till one day the handle broke and the maul head bounced back at me head. Luckily, I used to box, and I slipped it, but it brushed my cheek going by. That was the last time I used one.

For years after that, I used a metal handle monster maul. Worked well, but I was young and strong.

I used someone else's X-27 once, and I went out and got one and have been using them ever since. In fact, I have 3 of them (got the last one for only $20 from someone who did not like it). I keep one up at the cabin, one at my house, and one in my truck.

I will split anything I used to split with a maul with the X-27, and it is so much lighter that I can go much longer even as I get older. I have also never broken one of their handles, so they are very tough. I never bring the hydro splitter up to the cabin, all the wood up there get split with the X-27. The Ash and Black Cherry are usually no problem, but the Sugar Maple and Black Birch can be tough if you don't wait till it dries out some and gets cold. Bad knots sometimes get noodled.
Wow, Mike--your experience and mine are identical. I split entirely by hand (beginning in 1971) until about 6--8 yrs ago when I bought a splitter.

During my hand-splitting yrs I got tired of replacing handles on my maul, so I welded a steel pipe onto my maul and got years out of that arrangement. Hard on the hands, but easier than mounting a new handle every so often.

And now I have an X-27 that I use now and then . . . just to be swinging a maul. (I loaned it out last week to a buddy who said he needed to replace the handle on his maul. I said forget your wooden handle & buy a Fiskars. Think I sold him on it.)

And up at camp--I swing a maul to split my firewood.

Yeah, when you split by hand you learn every last little thing about how and where to aim for best results. One of the best things I learned long ago was how to split big rounds of elm. You slab off around the outside (blade parallel to bark) rather than trying to go thru the middle. Burned A LOT of dead elm in my day when the Dutch Elm Blight was in full flower. Enough that I didn't like elm for a long time.
Yeah, when you split by hand you learn every last little thing about how and where to aim for best results. One of the best things I learned long ago was how to split big rounds of elm. You slab off around the outside (blade parallel to bark) rather than trying to go thru the middle. Burned A LOT of dead elm in my day when the Dutch Elm Blight was in full flower. Enough that I didn't like elm for a long time.
Elm; noodle, hydraulic splitter, or bonfire material in log or round form.
It is also pretty good for cutting cookies with, and those are pretty easy to split :).
I still have part of this log to "buck" up :chainsaw:.

Now I know who you are, I didn’t know until now. I had no idea you were on this forum. That’s not yours, both of those were done by a different club. Yours is at Mallard.

For all I know you referred me here, doh! My rememberer isn’t as good as it used to be.

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