Recently purchased a project saw off marketplace being advertised as a 272xp. Was missing parts and not running, but couldn't turn it down for the price they were asking. After digging into the saw, I have been getting stumped trying to identify certain parts and since the ID plate is missing, it has really been tough. So far I believe the saw is a 266 chassis with a 272 top end. Cylinder is a 52 ZN 22 MAHLE. New piston with single ring. Saw does have the two piece ignition. Top cover was a 272xp cover, but starter side screw hole didn't line up.(Hence the reason I believe it's a 266 chassis). I have drilled and taped a hole for the cover and fits great. Metal chain brake is in great shape, not sure if its original to this saw. Also has the long carb bolts from a 272 and a new aftermarket carb. But here's the part that is really confusing me. The crank Is coarse thread, and the flywheel has the part number 100 456 00. I have pulled parts diagrams for every 266 and 272 I can find and have not been able to figure out what flywheel this is. If i could identify the flywheel, it should tell me what crank it has. Ebay has a few listed as a 266 OEM flywheel, but the parts diagrams don't list that part number. The second part that is confusing me is the other numbers on the flywheel. The few I seen on ebay have the same AM./114 E>, but have a different number on the end than the one I have. Mine has L1, but I've seen the number 4, and also the number 3. Are those timed different? So far I've had a blast tinkering with this saw and i got it running like a scalded dog and really don't mind that it's a frankenstien pieced together saw. Broke a starter pawl spring and that's the reason why I've pulled the flywheel and am trying to figure out what flywheel I have. Starter pawls are pressed in and the price of a complete functioning flywheel is around the same cost as new pawls and springs. Figure it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a spare flywheel anyway. So to simplify my long post, my main questions are:
Is part # 100 456 00 a 266 flywheel?
Will matching flywheel part numbers work even thought the second set of numbers are different?
What does the AM./114 E > L1 mean?
Appreciate any help and info anybody has to offer. I'm new here and have been researching and learning TONS of stuff from this site! Gonna attach a few photos of the old beast so you can see what I've been working on. She has seen better days. Thanks again!
Is part # 100 456 00 a 266 flywheel?
Will matching flywheel part numbers work even thought the second set of numbers are different?
What does the AM./114 E > L1 mean?
Appreciate any help and info anybody has to offer. I'm new here and have been researching and learning TONS of stuff from this site! Gonna attach a few photos of the old beast so you can see what I've been working on. She has seen better days. Thanks again!