Hexa Fox
The Fox Rocks!
Hey guys,
So sorry to post yet another thread but I have been doing some research and looking to purchase a new wood stove. I hear a lot of horror stories when purchasing brand spanking new wood stoves and I would like to make the right choice up front. Even if that means spending a little more. A name that came up that a couple users mentioned was Blaze King. So I looked into them and even searched them on this site, what little I could find usually say pretty good things.
The wood stove I have now has been overheated and has many problems. For instance, it is coming apart in the middle and if you look closely you can see the fire burning from the sides and under it. The door insert is broken and needs a new seal. So I am thinking it is time for it to be replaced. The house was built in 1985 and the wood stove was added soon after that. So I would say it is well over 30+ years old. I think it is also a health hazard. As I think a little dust is inevitable correct? Well I get a thick layer of dust on everything in short order when using this stuff, especially anything in the basement with it.
So long story short one of the ones I am looking at is the Princess 32 model. I was also looking at the Boxer 24.1 and the King 40. One of my many likes of our old Huntsman wood stove is that it can take 24" horizontal logs. I have been cutting and splitting wood myself. Unfortunately, someone else cut some of the wood for me and a lot of the pieces are between 20"-24". I would say that the majority of them are between 18"-20" though. It looks like the Princess 32 can take 20" logs so it may be perfect for me.
Anyway before this becomes a text flood like I am good for I would love to hear some feedback. I would really like to hear the good and the bad of these stoves before spending what is probably going to be significant for me and wrestling it into my home.
1.) Can someone tell me the price of the Princess 32 and possibly some of the others? I see that the prices range A WHOLE LOT when viewing other threads. I saw one forum say $4,000 and someone else said $2,500. I did not read into if they were buying used or what have you. I think some of the fellows were Canadian so I am hoping the $4,000 was not USD but rather CAD.
2.) How often do you have to replace the cat/filter in it and what is the rough cost of that?
3.) Is this overall a good stove? Specifically, one of the horror stories I hear is how hard modern stoves are for getting fires started and keeping them going. I struggle in this department a little bit but I think this Huntsman is extremely easy. A few pieces of resin wood and kindling almost always do the trick. However, that may be because of all the excellent air flow from the leaks.

So sorry to post yet another thread but I have been doing some research and looking to purchase a new wood stove. I hear a lot of horror stories when purchasing brand spanking new wood stoves and I would like to make the right choice up front. Even if that means spending a little more. A name that came up that a couple users mentioned was Blaze King. So I looked into them and even searched them on this site, what little I could find usually say pretty good things.
The wood stove I have now has been overheated and has many problems. For instance, it is coming apart in the middle and if you look closely you can see the fire burning from the sides and under it. The door insert is broken and needs a new seal. So I am thinking it is time for it to be replaced. The house was built in 1985 and the wood stove was added soon after that. So I would say it is well over 30+ years old. I think it is also a health hazard. As I think a little dust is inevitable correct? Well I get a thick layer of dust on everything in short order when using this stuff, especially anything in the basement with it.
So long story short one of the ones I am looking at is the Princess 32 model. I was also looking at the Boxer 24.1 and the King 40. One of my many likes of our old Huntsman wood stove is that it can take 24" horizontal logs. I have been cutting and splitting wood myself. Unfortunately, someone else cut some of the wood for me and a lot of the pieces are between 20"-24". I would say that the majority of them are between 18"-20" though. It looks like the Princess 32 can take 20" logs so it may be perfect for me.
Anyway before this becomes a text flood like I am good for I would love to hear some feedback. I would really like to hear the good and the bad of these stoves before spending what is probably going to be significant for me and wrestling it into my home.
1.) Can someone tell me the price of the Princess 32 and possibly some of the others? I see that the prices range A WHOLE LOT when viewing other threads. I saw one forum say $4,000 and someone else said $2,500. I did not read into if they were buying used or what have you. I think some of the fellows were Canadian so I am hoping the $4,000 was not USD but rather CAD.
2.) How often do you have to replace the cat/filter in it and what is the rough cost of that?
3.) Is this overall a good stove? Specifically, one of the horror stories I hear is how hard modern stoves are for getting fires started and keeping them going. I struggle in this department a little bit but I think this Huntsman is extremely easy. A few pieces of resin wood and kindling almost always do the trick. However, that may be because of all the excellent air flow from the leaks.