I believe in luck both good and bad, one of my favorite sayings is "id rather be lucky than good"
and i tall you what i feel like i have an unlucky saw. Great saw jest a lot of stuff has happens to that saw. its a 357xpg and the first time i used it i did something stupid and cut a branch overhead and on the fallow through i cut my boot laces and one the top of my boot. next it was in the truck and a bucket of large wood got dumped in on top of it and broke the right side of the case and handle must have been hit jest right to crack the case. it sat for 5 years with the half case and handle from https://chainsawr.com/ best place for used parts guys are A1 to work with. finally fixed it did the seals dropped the base gasket, did muff mod cleaned the carb, tune 13000 rpm saw ***** ass. Then i had a bunch of stuff in my basket on the back of the tractor 4 saws fule oil bucket of tools hookaroow axe wedge bag lopes rope chain ect and im putting asaw log on the hill i use to mill on logs hanging on the front bucket buy chain set the up hill end down and back up as i lower the bucket and BUMP im thinking O NO there wasn't a rock there on the way up and i look down to see the 357xpg driven well int the ground. wtf seems to have servived bar was loos but tightend back up and saw runs it broke the brake lever, bent the handel bar and broke the auto decomp so sawcame out ok considering a tractor Kabota 5030M 4x4 with farly hard fome filled tiers. stillhave to give it a therow once over but it runs maybe im not suposed to have a heated handel saw.
so lucky or unlucky saw?
and i tall you what i feel like i have an unlucky saw. Great saw jest a lot of stuff has happens to that saw. its a 357xpg and the first time i used it i did something stupid and cut a branch overhead and on the fallow through i cut my boot laces and one the top of my boot. next it was in the truck and a bucket of large wood got dumped in on top of it and broke the right side of the case and handle must have been hit jest right to crack the case. it sat for 5 years with the half case and handle from https://chainsawr.com/ best place for used parts guys are A1 to work with. finally fixed it did the seals dropped the base gasket, did muff mod cleaned the carb, tune 13000 rpm saw ***** ass. Then i had a bunch of stuff in my basket on the back of the tractor 4 saws fule oil bucket of tools hookaroow axe wedge bag lopes rope chain ect and im putting asaw log on the hill i use to mill on logs hanging on the front bucket buy chain set the up hill end down and back up as i lower the bucket and BUMP im thinking O NO there wasn't a rock there on the way up and i look down to see the 357xpg driven well int the ground. wtf seems to have servived bar was loos but tightend back up and saw runs it broke the brake lever, bent the handel bar and broke the auto decomp so sawcame out ok considering a tractor Kabota 5030M 4x4 with farly hard fome filled tiers. stillhave to give it a therow once over but it runs maybe im not suposed to have a heated handel saw.
so lucky or unlucky saw?