Well now, Junior (grin, I was born early 1948 so I get to say that) I think there's a couple of friendly points to be made from your essay. I'm like you in that I've been heating completely with wood for most of my life, including for the 20 years you've got ahead of you before you could reach my experience level.
First is the stove pipe; I clean mine once a year, using a stove with secondary burn technology, and even at that it rarely needs it but I do it on principle. The indication of having to clean the chimney once a week does have to say something, like having black soot in your car's tailpipe--unburned fuel is going out the pipe.
So second, I accept that that's what the new technology is for, just like on a car--with the advantage that in a stove, the extra heat generated is not wasted. I bet you'd like a stove with modern technology, just because you have a lot of knowledge and experience burning wood and know what your firewood should be like. And I bet you'd learn to use a cat properly for that same reason, and would be proud of getting that extra heat inside your house instead of having to go up and clean it out of the chimney every week.
So maybe go have a look at a modern clean-burning wood stove; I bet with your experience you will like what you see once understanding what it can do and how to make it do it.