Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I AM NOT in favor of being at the mercy of an armed criminal just because you think they usually don't want to hurt me!

If you are worried about collateral damage, just test that they can shoot well before giving them a permit, and make sure they load hollow points!

The longer we let this insanity continue (of not letting law abiding citizens defend themselves), the worse the problem will get. Knowing that your victim will be unarmed just emboldens criminals. Furthermore, some of the violence is simply the result of gang initiation. You may end up hurt or killed for no reason at all!
As far as I am concerned, once a criminal or domestic terrorist has determined that your life does not matter, they also expose themselves to whatever punishment they are trying to dish out. That knife cuts both ways, so to say.

Granted the stand your ground laws also create a dangerous environment, like when overzealous individuals actually chase down less than savory individuals and engage them. As law abiding gun owners, we all suffered when George Z did what he did. And then of course the media did their best to pour fuel on the fire.
cool a firewood thread diverged into a firearm discussion =)

I agree that people with ill-intent will find a way to do harm

I also agree that people should have the right protect themselves, which includes firearms for moral prudent sane people; police are a long ways away if you live rurally, and these days in cities also!

However, because dense cities are also dense with conflict and crime, I don't think making it easier for people to possess guns is a good solution, since there's a higher chance of bystanders getting injured in the event of a shootout.

And even gun owners must admit that there is a level of separation (physically and probably psychologically too) between getting up close to someone with a knife to consciously push it into their body, versus holding up a pistol and pulling a finger with a few ounces of force.

Punishing law abiding gun owners doesn't keep guns out of the hands of people who want to acquire them for ill intent. But making guns more abundant probably makes it easier to get ahold of one illegally. To be honest, I don't blame law-abiding gun-owning citizens who would rather NOT have their name and guns registered on a national database.. it makes it much easier for the government to find them if/when it decides to crack down.

I think that most people in cities with criminal intent don't really want to hurt people, even if they have a gun and use it to commit armed robbery. Most are looking for easy targets and stealing for money. If both sides of the 'debate' can understand that the U.S. is more culturally diverse than most other countries, and rural environments are different than dense urban, it makes statistical comparisons less meaningful in my eyes.

To wrap it up, it seems to me there is an agenda (by rich corporate elites) who want to maintain control of the global population and resources, and rural self-reliant communities are going to be some of the most challenging to bring under that rule. A lot of the societal events and changes we are experiencing now seem to be steps towards that end.

Hats off to those who refuse to offer their compliance freely, even if it comes at the cost of enduring a more challenging life.
This is a good thread with a bunch of good guys B.S'ing about nothing in particular. Get lost you ******* troll.
Had a pretty ***** week so far. Wife threw her back out Sunday, which got worse Monday, Tuesday I ran her into a med express (her Dr's office couldn't get her in till next week.) They were useless, got worse overnight to the point I couldn't sleep from her crying and screeching in pain. Drug her to the er yesterday morning after dropping the kids off. Er doc wad pretty good at getting the pain managed for her and on some meds that seemed to help. She actually slept most the night last night, I didn't have the heart to wake her up to give her the next round of meds. Which was a mistake as she was hurting pretty bad again this morning. She seemed ok till I was ready to leave for work. Her mother was coming up to help with the kids so hopefully everything has gone well.
To top it all. I noticed some water coming out of the stand up deep freeze yesterday after I got back home from getting my daughter. Opened the door and everything was half thawed out. Started unloading it all into a big cooler and realized the thermostat was turned off. Kinda dawned on me, my son was helping to take some meat up to the little freezer upstairs and the thermostat is right at his head level.
I turned it back on and loaded everything back in it. Went and found him (he mysteriously disappeared when I opened the door...) and I did get him to admit he was playing with it. Glad it was only a day it was off, I have a side of beef in there among other things.
Just been a crappy week so far. Hope everyone else is doing a little better then me.
Garage roof at the lake is patched up. Some warmer days next week, hopefully the ridge cap will settle in. Drove home a different way, the line crews definitely have their work cut out. 20231221_140539.jpg20231221_164112.jpg20231221_164150.jpg20231221_164314.jpg


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You will never know the true #s from the reported statistics.

A former co-worker of mine went to a very busy shopping mall and had to park far away. Near closing time, he was returning to his car. He was former military and had a carry permit. He became aware that a large band of teens were following him and had started to spread out around him. He turned and faced them, pulled his jacket aside (showing the handgun in his waistband) and they all just turned around and went away. Incident averted, nothing reported.

I once had to rescue someone who was being attacked by two thugs by pulling my knife. It was in NYC, and I was not allowed to be "carrying" my gun. One of the two thugs told me he would be returning tomorrow with a gun. I told him "Thanks for the warning, I'll have my gun too, the difference is I know how to shoot my gun, and I will not miss." My co-workers were all worried about the threat. I told them not to worry, we would never see that guy again, and we didn't. That said, I did carry for the next 3 days just as a precaution. You know what they say, better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6!
Good morning guys

Almost time to start Christmas shopping.

Gonna start with a post64 model 70 and then go from there

Poor wife, she went to the Pocono Mts for a few days so the kids could play

Every time she leaves, a rifle just happens to follow me home

She did give me “her list” 🤣🤣
Looks like I have some work to do today at my father and mother inlaws cottage. Pretty high winds here Monday night, lots of folks still without power. View attachment 1137526
Man, I need to put down the beer

When I first read that….
My mind perceived that YOUR father and your WIFES mother had a Cottage together


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