Anybody know where i can find a full wrap handle for my Stihl 362?I flipped every rock, opened every website on the internet but i just couldn't find full wraps handles for any chainsaw. The only full wrap handle i found on the internet was for a Holzfforma G666 but nothing else. And since here in Romania not even the top saws like the Husqvarna 592 xp come with full wraps handles im starting to loose hope,so the question is: Could my Stihl dealer order a full wrap handle for me? Like, does Stihl even make full wrap handles? I do know that chainsaws like the 462 have "R" versions but im afraid they might not make it for the 362.Anybody have a full wrap on a 362 or know that a stihl dealer can provide me with one or just i just give up?