Getting annoyed with Stihl

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Did you check ebiz to see if your distributor had it in stock before you ordered?
I did not. I just asked one of the guys up front to order it for me. That way I was sure to get my employee discount. He may have checked but who knows. I will ask him tomorrow.
I paid up front for the one I'm waiting for and it would be frowned upon for me to try to cancel the order. It's an option though but trying to be patient. I've heard many good things and a few bad comments about meteor, but I'm definitely going to be putting one in an 064 pretty soon. Thanks
Hey Jeff, what's the deal with Stihl, if you have an Elite Dealership, Stihl is allowing internet sales of Bars and Chains. For years Stihl did not allow internet sales of whole goods such as chainsaws and if you needed a part you had to go to your local dealer. My local dealer closed up 2 years ago and now the closest dealer is a 50 mile round trip.
Hey Jeff, what's the deal with Stihl, if you have an Elite Dealership Stihl is allowing internet sales of Bars and Chains. For years Stihl did not allow internet sales of whole goods such as chainsaws and if you needed a part you had to go to your local dealer. My local dealer closed up 2 years ago and now the closet dealer is a 50 mile round trip.
Well that's the first I've heard of that. I don't know if we're elite, but we definitely treat our customers right here. I'm 100% a wrench turning guy here and haven't even been doing that for long, so I don't know anything about programs, but I will talk to the other guys about it. Thanks for the info. Sorry you're having to drive so far for your parts.
A tree service guy whose gear I've started repairing who uses mainly Stihl says he has to wait forever for parts and the dealer to do a repair, leaving him unable to work. I'm good at locating anything on the internet and can usually find OEM parts Fleabay or grey market for him and have them within days and get him back to work. Then there's the issue that some dealers stock and know a little, some stock and know a lot. In this neck of the woods with next to no forestry, it's mostly lawn and tree service gear and nothing bigger and not a lot of saw knowledge.
I appreciate what Stihl was trying to do initially with their internet sales ban in trying to protect dealers and support local businesses. But given their poor/erratic distribution, it's driving people away from them more and more. Selling pro gear without offering pro service is not a good business plan. Getting parts fast so pros can get back to work is a big part of that. As Stihl's focus seems to be increasingly consumer-oriented, I don't hold out much hope that someone at corporate will get a clue and fix the problem. I get the impression it's because dealers are all individual little franchises with their own relationship to Stihl, unconnected to each other in any way. So there's no looking in the computer and saying, oh, we don't have it, but they have it at the store over in such and such. Or, we don't have it, but we can get it from the local distributor in two days.
I work for a Stihl Elite Dealership and as of yesterday we had two pieces of equipment left not repaired. A TS420 that needed a new top end. Top end setting in the box beside it. And a MS462 that needed a brake handle. Brake handle sitting on top of it. I just got tired.
My partner in crime will get it today. No telling what else will come in.
We hardly ever have anything over a week.
As far as knowing what is where we probably have $20,000 worth of Stihl parts laying piles on shelves that doesn't even have an inventory location. BR700 relacement motors, TS420 top ends, MS462 top ends, MS362 top ends, brakes handles for most saws, top handles for most saws, a zillion carburetors, complete top handles for MS201 TCM's or just the springs and wiring harness if you can do it that way.

I know. I am just bragging. But, we can damn sure fix some stuff.
BTW Pelham, If you want another cylinder for your 046 I have one . It is not perfect but it is better than the one you have I think.
If you want it PM me your mailing address and I'll mail it to you.
BTW Pelham, If you want another cylinder for your 046 I have one . It is not perfect but it is better than the one you have I think.
If you want it PM me your mailing address and I'll mail it to you.
Yes sir I was still planning to use that one I posted about a few weeks back. How much do you want for that one of yours? And thanks, BTW!
To ZeroJunk and other previous posts regarding dealers selling without and tech / parts backgrounds.

My neighbor owns the local Agway and "sells" Stihl pro equipment. I did him a favor years ago and mentioned I wanted a HT 101 pole saw. He said he'd give me a "special" price, although he'd have to order it and didn't know when it would show up. I inquired about parts. Was told "takes forever", "whenever Stihl decides to ship them". Told them I'd let him know.

Called another dealer, about 30 miles away. "Yep, I'm looking at one now". How about parts? "If I order on Thursday. I'll have it on the following Tuesday". Plus, he was only five dollars more than my "special price" from my neighbor. Needless to say, I bought from the dealer 30 miles away, who happens to be an elite dealer . Same with my other Stihl's and my 500I.

The Agway dealer can't keep help, deer in headlights look whenever I need anything other than oil. The elite is well worth the drive, although I wish he were closer.

So it's true, sometimes you get what you pay for.
I appreciate what Stihl was trying to do initially with their internet sales ban in trying to protect dealers and support local businesses. But given their poor/erratic distribution, it's driving people away from them more and more. Selling pro gear without offering pro service is not a good business plan. Getting parts fast so pros can get back to work is a big part of that. As Stihl's focus seems to be increasingly consumer-oriented.
Well what I find in Australia is that Stihl were, up until a few years ago doing a reasonable job of protecting local dealers, but now i find ads from hardware stores advertising their gear, these people know SFA about saws and shouldn't be selling them, imagine promoting a MS170/171 to cut hard eucalyptus 20"dia.
Depending on the dealer and whether you know them well you can usually get parts within a week, some dealers take up to a month as they order the parts in when they do their monthly stock order. I have seen repairs taking up to 2 ~ 3 months, excuse being " can't get parts "
Several years ago I was importing both Stihl & Husqvarna powerheads from Midwest & East coast dealers until I got a call from the Husky dealer saying one of the saws he sold me turned up at an Australian dealer for repair, after an excuse that they bought Husky spat the dummy and told the Platinum Husky Dealer that if another turned up downunder he would lose his dealership.
I think the reason for this is we can pay up to 3 times the US price, I was buying mid range Stihl ( Brazil manufactured ) consumer saws for $325 AUD inc freight and Stihl were selling the same saw here for $949 AUD, Lets say it was becoming embarrassing for Stihl downunder.
Well what I find in Australia is that Stihl were, up until a few years ago doing a reasonable job of protecting local dealers, but now i find ads from hardware stores advertising their gear,these people know SFA about saws and shouldn't be selling them, imagine promoting a MS170/171 to cut hard eucalyptus 20"dia.
G'day mate, I guess if a baby Stihl ever saw a Buloke tree it would run and jump in the back of the ute and hide.
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I think the reason for this is we can pay up to 3 times the US price, I was buying mid range Stihl ( Brazil manufactured ) consumer saws for $325 AUD inc freight and Stihl were selling the same saw here for $949 AUD, Lets say it was becoming embarrassing for Stihl downunder.
I likely wouldn’t have bought a 780/880 at US prices, but around the time I left Mexico my Canadian workshop partner there checked on saw prices w the local Stihl dealer as he’d gotten tired of my failing 056 Super and wanted a 660. I told him the prices would be way too high. We were used to bringing in most big ticket items from the US due to higher cost in Mexico. But due to a very weak peso then and Stihl not having adjusted for it yet, we found to our disbelief that new 660’s came out to $650US and new 780’s were $950US. He got a 660 and I got the 780 (thought it was just what Stihl called the 880 there but then found out there are minor differences). Wish I’d snapped up a 660 as well. But since I finally got my 87cc 045 and 056 Supers both rebuilt properly, no longer a need really.

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