How was I supposed to know that?

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"Nobody ever told me I needed a torch to own a chainsaw."
Probably not but if you want to work on stuff you will need some tools. Most people can`t even change a sparkplug unless it can be accessed wiith a pair of vise grips, they don`t own tools so its dropped off at a repair shop or preferably into a dumpster.
Probably not but if you want to work on stuff you will need some tools. Most people can`t even change a sparkplug unless it can be accessed wiith a pair of vise grips, they don`t own tools so its dropped off at a repair shop or preferably into a dumpster.
A lot of "men", the only tools they own are the ones that came with their Ikea furniture. Bet I carry more in my pocket than a lot of them own, even though I work a desk job.

We truly are in the weak men create hard times stage.
Probably not but if you want to work on stuff you will need some tools. Most people can`t even change a sparkplug unless it can be accessed wiith a pair of vise grips, they don`t own tools so its dropped off at a repair shop or preferably into a dumpster.

crackin a joke
You are wise on the use of PPE. I know some pros who think they are so good and experienced they do not need them. But even pros get tired and make mistakes. In less than a second, a chainsaw mistake can cause life-altering damage or death. Even with proper PPE, that can happen, but the odds are greatly reduced. The main danger with PPE comes more from what the tree does than what the saw does (barber-chairing, dead branches falling on your head, etc.) I knew a pro who was up in a tree limbing it when he cut through the branch he was tethered to. He did not survive that mistake. He left behind a wife and 3 young children, Very tragic! I am no pro but I own a tree farm and cut about 6 cords per year for firewood. I don't do the timber harvests myself. I have had to drop some leaners and that can be scary. My main safety rule is to never handle a saw when I am tired. I generally will saw for 2 hours or less and then load up the rounds. The latter part is more physically tiring but requires less thought. I use a Hookaroon a lot and I have to be careful with that. But at least the rounds will not jump back at me or cut my leg off!
Think "Inbred Jed".. A consummate professional , on , I think "guilty of Treeson's YouTube chanel.. Yup.. one second of inattentiveness, and his family no longer has a Father.
IMHO, the scariest thing in the world, is, that anyone can walk into a Dealership, or Big Box store, and buy a chainsaw. No license required. Buy a machine that is more than capable of maiming you ... or killing you, and walk away with it. At least a Dealership, will half fill it with properly mixed fuel, and bar oil, and, hopefully, have set it up ( tuned it ) properly. A Big Box store just lets you go through the check out without a care.
I truly don't know which scenario is scarier..
You need a license to drive a car.. You need a way bigger license to drive a truck.. ( Training, testing, and certification ), but.. you can buy one of the most dangerous devices ever invented with no more than cash, or a valid credit card.
Seriously, ANY chainsaw purchase should require proof of proper training, ( certification). People think that a "small" chainsaw, isn't as "dangerous", as a "Big" saw. That's just so wrong.. It's like saying that a scooter is safer than a proper motorcycle.. BS!! Dump off a scooter, at 30 M.P.H., or, dump of a Hayabusa at 30 M.P.H., it's the same thing. You're going down, and going for a slide. A plug in the wall, small electric chainsaw, will open an artery just as quick as a gas powered one. Tons of chainsaws come with ( in the box), that guard to reduce kickback.. Yeah.. like anyone has ever put one on.
Let me be clear, I'm not in favour of any "Nanny state", Government interference into our lives, or of making our incomes.. But, "Customer States".. is an indication that some basic instruction, and certification, before purchase, might be in everybody's best interests. I'm not talking about weeks of training, or hundreds of dollars.. Just an afternoon of the basics.. mix ratios.. basic tuning.. how to hold and use the saw.. Most saws come with a manual, they show and explain how to do basic cuts.. But, there's no requirement to read the manual before yanking the starter cord.
Sorta on that note, I saw the thread about chainsaw injuries. I'll never touch a saw again without a helmet ( with ear protection ), chaps, and steel toe boots. I don't care how 'effin hot it is, I'll sweat, and take more breaks, but I'll never cut again without full gear. Ever.
OK. this is an old thread BUT. Recently due to storm damage the TV news is showing a LOT of people with Chainsaws clearing downed trees.
I'm trying to not be critical BUT I can't watch. So far NO one I've seen has made any kind of under cut, NO one is using wedges of any kind. Saws being abused and pinched. Small Limbing saws buried in wood twice the bar length smoke rising off the chains.
I really would like to see the use of Chainsaws taught in High School. Those things are NOT toys and NOT just anyone knows enough to be using them. I do not have the answer. I don't want more government regulations BUT, I'd like to see someone training people on Felling and Bucking. I don't have WiFi but maybe just maybe someone on line is teaching. I began years ago with books on the subject. There should be plenty of info in a library and nothing like working with experienced hands. NOT everyone on TV knows enough to teach. I suggest everyone start with SMALL trees and USE wedges. Carry two saws or two bars and be willing to admit mistakes. Learn from them and if need be use one bar to cut the other bar out of the pinch. NEVER PULL on a saw to relieve the pinch. I saw a man destroy the Anti-vibe in a saw pulling on it and laying on it. A sharp saw PULLS it's self into the wood. O.K, guys go get em. Most of you already know what to blessed,

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