What is a brand new, in the box, stihl 461 worth?

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Feb 2, 2025
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I have a couple 461s brand new in the box, I was looking to sell or trade, what do you think they are worth, considering they have been discontinued?

I have a couple 461s brand new in the box, I was looking to sell or trade, what do you think they are worth, considering they have been discontinued?


It depends. A collector might pay $1500 on eBay or maybe more then you have to pay the 13% fee. A guy who doesn't collect probably wont pay that. I tried to sell a NOS 346xp for $1500 on here and I was laugh at. I never said I was firm on the price, but whatever. Me personally, I wouldn't pay more than what a new ms462 is. I'm not a collector.
I can still buy a brand new 461 Magnum in a local store near me for 1390CAD ($980USD). So thats kind of the going rate for a brand new saw. Knock of 100-200 given that it has no return warranty and thats the price.

Old stock?
Sorry I might be wrong but there isn't a difference. I didn't think there was any major model changes through the MS461 production.

Old stock == collecting dust

I thought the MS461 was out of production in general. That's why I ask if maybe this was a new old stock still sitting there? I could be wrong, I'm not up to date with what Stihl offers in other countries.
It depends. A collector might pay $1500 on eBay or maybe more then you have to pay the 13% fee. A guy who doesn't collect probably wont pay that. I tried to sell a NOS 346xp for $1500 on here and I was laugh at. I never said I was firm on the price, but whatever. Me personally, I wouldn't pay more than what a new ms462 is. I'm not a collector.
So you wouldn’t pay more than the cost of a new 462 for a new old stock 461 (That I agree with) yet you posted the 346 for $1600 when you can get a new 550xp for what $700? Your sale post was ridiculous, That’s why you were laughed at and I’m guessing you deleted it.
So you wouldn’t pay more than the cost of a new 462 for a new old stock 461 (That I agree with) yet you posted the 346 for $1600 when you can get a new 550xp for what $700? Your sale post was ridiculous, That’s why you were laughed at and I’m guessing you deleted it.

So you wouldn’t pay more than the cost of a new 462 for a new old stock 461 (That I agree with) yet you posted the 346 for $1600 when you can get a new 550xp for what $700? Your sale post was ridiculous, That’s why you were laughed at and I’m guessing you deleted it.

Here we go again..

lol.. I'll only respond once and I'll let you guys run wild with this. It will prove my point with the mods (who deleted the for sale post BTW). And before I start. I could list that 346 for $700 and some of you guys would still jump on my butt cause its me.

So get your popcorn out cause here we go ladies and gents.

Are you ready?


Since people are asking stupid money for other saws that are "NOS" why not give it a try for myself? It doesn't mean I WOULD PAY IT. All it takes is ONE GUY. ONE GUY that has to have it for his collection. ONE GUY that has to have the serial number with 346xp on it cause a 353 with a 346xp top end isn't the same. Doesn't mean I would pay it. Heck, If I could sell it for even $1200 or maybe even $1000. I was going to take my profits and buy a 353... Its called wheeling and dealing folks. I know I'm not the only guy on here that does it.

And I like to add. Am I the only one who tries to haggle? I mean Just because I had a saw listed at a certain price doesn't mean I'm not willing to make a deal. Sheesh.

Flame on gents
