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Heres my miller 210 with a spool gun for aluminum. As well as the old lincoln buzz box.


Let's see I have a 250amp Lincoln tig/stick Idealarc, 200 amp Lincoln Inverter tig, Lincoln ranger 9 portable, Lincoln Procut 25 Plasma, and a 200 amp Hobart beta mig from the 80's. pics to follow once I resize them
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this is the inverter tig, This little machine is awesome! So much controll and flexibility, well worth the 3000.00
This one is the Hobart beta mig, this also is a smooth operator alot better than the new millermatics
Here's a pic of the Migmaster in my FIL shop, he uses it the most. Also have Miller Bobcat 250 that has it's own generator power 11,000 watts. We used it the last ice storm when we lost power for a few days. Keep the Miller on a trailer for hauling around the farm fixing corner post and stuff.

Picked up this Miller Bobcat 225G at an auction for $400.00 a few years ago. Also have a old Lincoln 220 buzzbox in the shop.

Gink's scooter.....

Gink: Please tell me your gonna put a stroker kit in your scoot. What about a tranny, 5 or maybe even 6 speed? Have fun!!!!
Gink: Please tell me your gonna put a stroker kit in your scoot. What about a tranny, 5 or maybe even 6 speed? Have fun!!!!

I have no idea what motor or trans is that thing!!! It was for the guy that owns Tippman paintball guns. I seen pictures of the bike painted after it left my shop but that is it. I just did all the metal work on it. But it was a fun and different project for sure:cheers:
I have this gas powered Miller with an Onan v-Twin, sweet rig. About 20 years old, but price was right, free. Also have a 120v. wire feed, what an absolute piece of crap, goes on the garage sale for $30 just to get it out of my sight, but price was right on that too, free.

That Miller is a generator as well, love welding DC positive with 1/8" 7018's
Good looking welds and decent penetration.!!!!!

Glad I got rid of the buzzbox, but they do a good job.