Light use;
Before turning of saw in the field run the saw so the chain gets a nice coating of bar oil This softens the resins and helps flush out gunk. Blow everything down with compressed air, including inside of clutch cover and chain. Remove filter cover and knock out filter.
After multiple light uses or heavy/extended use
1. Run the saw so the chain gets a nice coating of oil.
At home
2. Use compressed air to quickly blow down entire saw
3. Squirt simple green over everything and leave it soak for 10 - 15 mins. I also do this to my alaskan mill as well.
4. Use garden hose on jet to wash off simple green followed by a quick blow off of excess water
5. Remove bar & chain from saw
6. Clean bar groove with piece of broken hack saw blade - blow residual and oil hole gunk out with compressed air, blow out nose sprocket.
7. Hang chain and blow off residual. If it's still gunky I soak it in simple green O/N, rinse and then blow dry next day.
8. Using compressed air, blow-off gunk around clutch and inside clutch cover.
9. Remove filter cover & blow-off (careful around filter)
10. Remove filter & inspect, if required soak filter in simple green and water O/N then rinse in clean water and hang out to dry.