Wood Stack Pictures

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Thanks for the 411... I got them to work... w00t! Now if we only had stacks like y'all to show off! :cheers:

Good deal!

Yes, we need to work on our stacks. I've got the wood, just struggling with the saws. I've got three that are down as of this weekends cutting, and a new one apart on the kitchen table that needs fuel and oil lines. :cry:
These are not my pics nor my piles, but of a local logging company. I had been trying to find their number to inquire about purchasing some logs, but foundthem instead on CL advertising firewood sales. That is a lot of wood...:D


I was gonna post my stack............but after MNGuns pic............I'm not gonna embarass myself with such a small stack.lol Nice stack of wood there guns.:bowdown::bowdown:

Aww....c'mon put up a pic.

Don't worry about MNGuns pic, he just excercised the mouse, not a splitter. :laugh:
These are not my pics nor my piles, but of a local logging company. I had been trying to find their number to inquire about purchasing some logs, but foundthem instead on CL advertising firewood sales. That is a lot of wood...:D



I'd like to see a pict of their splitting/processing equipment pls.
From what I have been told, it was done with one Viking and a Fiskars....:D

Hmmm....dog ate your camera huh.

Go back outside and do this:


Then, do this:


So we can say this:


I am officially done with this year's wood. I have a good headstart on next year's wood as well. I have a large deck of 2010 maple ready to cut.
I like being retired; all this freedom! I have plenty of time to cut wood, work on my fences, work on the house...I think I will go bird hunting.
Just cut 2 trees yesterday for next year, and hauled in a load from where I keep my wood at to the house. Might be a bit early to start filling the"pit" but I want to get most of my stuff for this winter in before I get too much cut stuff piled in the pasture. I'll get some pics of both the wood storage and the piles out in the pasture. More than anything I need to get my old farm boss going, for a back up and get some chains sharpened.

I posted some of these last year in the random pics section but they got deleted. Haven't started this year but have quite a bit dead and down and could easily get 70 - 100 more, but probably just replace the 20 cord me and my Dad burn.


23 cord in this shed


17 cord in this barn


11 cord in EACH of these old ear corn bins. They are stacked and even filled to the angled roof line as you can see



This barn is completely full with just a walkway around the inside edge Pile is 7ft high 18' X 80' which works out to just about 79 cord.


26 cord in this barn.

Total is 167 cord so we're good for a while. Need to clear out some more room as I don't like stacking out in the weather. We cycle through the stacks and the biggest barn has been filled and emptied 3 times now. Yes, we have been burning for quite a while and will continue to do so ;)
I posted some of these last year in the random pics section but they got deleted. Haven't started this year but have quite a bit dead and down and could easily get 70 - 100 more, but probably just replace the 20 cord me and my Dad burn.


23 cord in this shed


17 cord in this barn


11 cord in EACH of these old ear corn bins. They are stacked and even filled to the angled roof line as you can see



This barn is completely full with just a walkway around the inside edge Pile is 7ft high 18' X 80' which works out to just about 79 cord.


26 cord in this barn.

Total is 167 cord so we're good for a while. Need to clear out some more room as I don't like stacking out in the weather. We cycle through the stacks and the biggest barn has been filled and emptied 3 times now. Yes, we have been burning for quite a while and will continue to do so ;)

Wow 167 cord that is a lotta wood you must be a wood ho lmao:cheers:
167 cords! WOW I think that could last us 10-15 YEARS!

Ugh... here I scored some more this weekend and all excited.... come on here and read a couple 'scored', 'CL score', etc. threads and then this one... makes my one tree score look like nuttin'! LOL

Great work all! I'll have some pics later to show this weekend's score.... even though it might be embarrassing. :)
167 cords! WOW I think that could last us 10-15 YEARS!

Ugh... here I scored some more this weekend and all excited.... come on here and read a couple 'scored', 'CL score', etc. threads and then this one... makes my one tree score look like nuttin'! LOL

Great work all! I'll have some pics later to show this weekend's score.... even though it might be embarrassing. :)

It'll last us at least 7 years. If we skip a year of gathering/cleaning it's no big deal. Have loads of fencerows that need cleaning but what dies and falls in the woods usually is more than enough as we steadily get more and more each year.

We do it different than most as we try to cut on the wetter days, split and haul on the dry/frozen days. Not in staging as some do. We also split where it lays normally. Leaves the trash in woods or windrow brush in the fields for burning. Normally takes about an hour to load and unload a cord in the big barn when I'm by myself. I ricked out 13 cord on one day. Yes, I slept well that night ;)

I told the story before but when I was a pup we were hard up for wood as we didn't have the woods at that time. Agreed to clear an apple orchid and we only got 1/2 the wood(owner didn't help) and helped burn the brush. THAT is REALLY hard up for wood! Got in with farmer friends after that cleaning fencerows and never had to worry about supply again. Do them right and THEY"LL call you.