I call it an arch. I made it out of 2" x 2" heavy wall steel tube. I made a pair of Y type yolks that sit in the rear stake pockets and use 1/2" grade 8 bolts as the hinges. I put a 1/2" bolt in the bottom to keep the yolks from coming out of the pockets. I generally leave them in unless I'm putting side pannels on to haul a load of manure for the garden. The predecessor to that big log in the picture actually bent the arch. If memory serves, it was in excess of 3' across and 12' long and likely weighed in the neighborhood of 4,000 to 5,000 lbs.
I didn't cut that log in half, and picked it up too close to the center so that its entire weight was on the arch. 3/4 of the way up, the log spun crossways of the trailer at which point one of the legs started to buckle. I was able to cut it, straighten it, and reweld it, then I added some gussets to make sure I could load the rest of the logs.
Its on my trailer now. If you are interested in one, shoot me a PM and I'll take more pics of it and send them to you. I think I've also got a drawing that gives the orginal cut dimensions of the 2x2 tube that I used.
I appreciate your offer but I won't be making one.
I admire your handiness. I've seen the arch before and it is a great idea for converting a horizontal pull to a vertical lift. I was just wonder if it had a special name as it functions as much than just an arch.
I'm sure you are familiar with ' parbuckling, another neat idea.