As an approximation; in short drops; we say that the force increases a unit of it's own weight per foot. This, actually has more to do with speed, than distance dropped. So, as the speed increases at higher drops it is my understanding that the seams start to show on that rule of thumb. Or, on the flip side too;-as the leaves/sail increases; the speed is slowed, so thereby the force.
We do tend to get macho and brag on tensile strength only. Such as Clearance's 20k boast example. But, there is another side to this coin. As we speak of dynamic force, we must recognize it's countering dynamic absorbtion forces too. So, id moving/dynamic force; as we go from a 10k line to a 20k; to be more safe; we are actually increasing the forces!!! For, as the strength of the line goes up and the force stays the same; we are losing elasticity in trade. So, the rope, knots, supports etc. are all taking a bigger dynamic hit.
The 2:1 on the redirect pulley; is only a true 2:1; if the load and control legs of line to the pulley are pairallell. Any spread lessens this effect. A pulley, within a pulley system can give the 4:1 - spread of the legs angle effect. Also, - any friction; whereby the total of load leg + control leg that makes the 2:1; will only have full load on the load leg, then a reduction of that force to the control leg; for a lil'less than 2:1. Thus, a frictional support/ no pulley; will have 1+ multiplier; a total of the full load leg + whatever force is on the control leg after friction.
But, we do have some further complications. A shorter load line length + control line length combination; gives less elastic absorbtion too. A 2:1 rig (2 legs of support on load) statically (no movemeant) will give 1.5 x load; loading on support; whereby a simple 1:1 as noted will give 2:1. And a 3:1; will give 1.33x loading statically; or 1 + 1/legs on load. But; this inverses on dynamics; especially on short lengths(notice the total amount of rope length between support and load doesn't matter, just the length from support to load). Whereby, each leg on a 3:1 will carry less load; so has less elasticity value. So statically and at low impacting the 2:1, 3:1 etc. will give less loading on support; but under a good impacting; you can give support much more force. Especially, while very little line in system.
Now, the downside; of using lower strength lines to absorb more shock; is less cycles to failure....
ArborMaster / Sherrill have made a type of calculator for some of this i posted:
Peak at program along with
a spreadsheet of some of the outputs i copied.
Also, as we load all of this onto a support, with slings, knots etc.; each component becomes part of said system. So, the dynamic absorption that a rope doesn't give, can still be given by flex of the support etc.
Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr something like dat...
edit: swooped by Tom a-gain; i'll see if i can find such a legendary th-read in the musty archives'ere