Bowtie's 026 rebuild

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Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
Central Kansas
Got this saw for 50 bucks from Honkie. It showed up exactly as described. Piston and cylinder look great, overall condition great. I did a pressure/vac test and immediately found it needs crank seals.

Ok, time to tear it down, clean it up, and start rounding up what I need. Split the case, which let me get a good look and feel of the crank bearings, which are good to go.

Already got these parts I needed:

Muffler cover
Adjustable carb
Clutch drum, bearing, rim, washer and e-clip
air filter

I am still looking to find these parts:

crank seals (probably from the dealer), but an AS member may have them already
top plastic cover (non pro)
complete chain adjuster kit
may need a non adjustable oil pump (have to try this one, its been hot)

I plan to post pics as I re-assemble this saw, here is the first pic, all clean and in pieces
And this one will get ported how:spam:

LOL, you have me figured out. Im thinking of widening ports at least, and at least setting the squish @ .015" or a tad higher. I used to have the numbers for a port job for the 026 that were supposed to work well, but I cant find them. I'm sure I can find the numbers again on here or elsewhere.

Most say the 026 has enormous potential for port work and mods. I know on the last 026 I popped a new piston I got from BCorradi in, ditched the base gasket, modded the muffler BIG time, and it was a hell of a gain.
That is a clean 026. I might can get ya a non pro top cover but it's faded all to heck...

If ya dont mind, I would like to see a picture of it. I could scotchbrite it and clear it maybe. I never done it, but seen a few posts of pics, and they look real good. Thanks!
I wouldn't go a bit tighter than .015". I think mine's at .016" with no problems. Are you aware that you can buy a complete gasket kit for less than the two individual seals? It comes with every gasket and seal for the saw for about $12-$20. PN 1121 007 1050. The one for the 036 I'm working on was $12 and I think $18 for the 046/460.
I wouldn't go a bit tighter than .015". I think mine's at .016" with no problems. Are you aware that you can buy a complete gasket kit for less than the two individual seals? It comes with every gasket and seal for the saw for about $12-$20. PN 1121 007 1050. The one for the 036 I'm working on was $12 and I think $18 for the 046/460.

Is that price for OEM stihl gasket kit or aftermarket?

Last time I used aftermarket seals on my 028 Super, and the flywheel side seal completely fell apart. Not to mention the base gasket was the wrong one (I wasnt going to use it anyway)
That is a clean 026.

I spent about 45 minutes cleaning that thing! My Dad looked through the store room in the warehouse today and said he found a mint 026. We shall see...

Nice work Bowtie! Cant wait to ya get her running! I couldnt let her go to the trash bin, and Bowtie was willing to give it a new home.
Is that price for OEM stihl gasket kit or aftermarket?

Last time I used aftermarket seals on my 028 Super, and the flywheel side seal completely fell apart. Not to mention the base gasket was the wrong one (I wasnt going to use it anyway)

OEM. I do get something of a discount at my dealer, but still the price is right.
I wouldn't go a bit tighter than .015". I think mine's at .016" with no problems. Are you aware that you can buy a complete gasket kit for less than the two individual seals? It comes with every gasket and seal for the saw for about $12-$20. PN 1121 007 1050. The one for the 036 I'm working on was $12 and I think $18 for the 046/460.

I did not know that. Is this available for all Stihls? My 064 is needing the same. Looks good bowtie. Keep the pics coming. WDO
I did not know that. Is this available for all Stihls? My 064 is needing the same. WDO

Usually on the first page of the IPL where you find the case gasket and seals, you'll find "Set of gaskets" down towards the bottom of the page. They do not always list every gasket that's in it. It will include:
  1. case gasket
  2. cylinder gasket
  3. exhaust gasket
  4. crank seals
  5. reflector foil for under muffler

You'll need gasket kit PN 1122 007 1053 for your 064. That's from the 066 IPL. I don't think PN 1122 007 1051 from the 064 IPL is available any more. The 064/066/MS660 kit contains both sizes of crank seals and cylinder gaskets. I will not include the old crankcase gasket for the 064 and early 066. That is PN 1122 029 0500.
Hey Jason, how did you get the crank out? Do you have access to that fancy tool that Lake showed us a while back?

Yep. I have the ZS tools. Only parts I dont have is the attachments for driving seals and bearings. I can split a mean case though...and unsplit it! :clap:

(I was going to post pics of that when I put the case halves back together) blew it Jon...HAHAHAAA J/K!!
You'll need gasket kit PN 1122 007 1053 for your 064. That's from the 066 IPL. I don't think PN 1122 007 1051 from the 064 IPL is available any more. The 064/066/MS660 kit contains both sizes of crank seals and cylinder gaskets. I will not include the old crankcase gasket for the 064 and early 066. That is PN 1122 029 0500.

1053 is the set for the later 066/MS-660 with the polymer flywheel. 1051 for the 064/early 066 with the metal flywheel is still available and contains the early style case gasket. The case gaskets are different between the metal flywheel and polymer flywheel saws. Early 066 and 064 case gaskets are the same. MS-660 and 650 case gaskets are the same.

Your project looks good J, be interested to see how your porting work turns out. The 024/026/MS-260 saws all take really well to porting and modifications.
I got bored and slapped the crank and rod/piston assembly back together today and checked squish with no base gasket. No joy, its a head smacker. So I installed a new base gasket, and got .029". Time to lower things.


I use solder stuck through the exhaust port just like a lot of others do, and use my cheaper caliper to measure both sides.


I decided to sand down the cylinder base to achive a lower squish clearance and use a base gasket. Im going to raise the exhaust roof accordingly. I know this method isnt perfect, but its what I have.

I also marked the piston with a sanded down fine point sharpie and checked to see how much I can widen the ports. Looks like around 20-25 thousandths. I got started on that tonight, but got late, and the bladder grew heavy, lol. I know my pics arent awesome quality. My camera is a good one, my skills with it arent.
