Partner P 7700 - the missing link

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Information Collector
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Troms, North Norway
Partner P 7700 - the missing link !&?

Some time ago I found this the Stolen Saws section at CSCC.

Except for the colour, it reminds me very much of the Jonsered 2077, which reputedly was "inherited" by Jred from Partner after E-lux takeover. I have never heard that the saw was marketed as a Partner.

Serial number starts with a 4, wich indicates 1994, doesn't it? As the 2077 was avaliable before that, in my mind it indicates that the Partner saw was NOT a prototype, but a production saw!

Another option could be that it indeed is a prototype, made in 1984. I am not quite certain of the E-lux numbering system :dizzy:

Does anyone know more about this?

Edit; We got closer to the truth later in the thread - read on!
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While Partner chain saws have been dead for years in the USA, it still was marketed in Europe.
No question it's a J-Reds using Partners Super AV handle system.
Saw Man said:
While Partner chain saws have been dead for years in the USA, it still was marketed in Europe.

It still is. All that I have seen the last years has been Poulan products though.
I have one of them - it is a Partner 351. It says "made in USA" on it, and it seem very similiar to the Poulan 2150. It did not hold up well for me, but I think that was partly due to the fact that I used it as my "learner saw".
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Here is my thoughts about this.
I am under the impression that elux had different factorys for different types of saws. The Poulan/Norlett and McCullogs factory in Italy made hobby saws, and Partner, Jonny Red and Husky made semi pro and Pro. All the same parts just mixed and with different colors.
I have no facts about this yet, but hopefully I will get. I got this impression from talking to Elux sellers.
ray benson said:
I have a Poulan Pro 505 made in Sweden,and it looks almost exactly the same. Jonsereds also marketed a 2077, 2083, 2083 II that were similar.Thought they all were Partner engineered.

Mike Acres responded to my similar question on Mange's forum :) , and my conclusion is that the Poulan Pro 475 equaled the 2077, 2083II and Partner P 7700 at 77 cc's, and the Poulan Pro 505 equaled the Jonsered 2083 (not 2083 II) at 83 cc's.

It seem like the stolen P 7700 was made in 1984, while the 2077 was introduced in 1990, and the 475 and 505 in 1993.

Is that likely? Any opinions on that time-line?
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This is research in its best form, seek information everywhere and make an opinion after that info, if it is correct enough then you will come to a good conclusion.
Maybe an email to Jonsereds or Husqvarna would confirm what you have found out. Is the Partner engineering group still in existence? Or was it swallowed up and disbanded after one of the mergers?
ray benson said:
Maybe an email to Jonsereds or Husqvarna would confirm what you have found out. Is the Partner engineering group still in existence? Or was it swallowed up and disbanded after one of the mergers?

Jonsered, Husqvarna and Partner is in the same building.
The engeneering groups interact, I am told.
P 7700 + + +

Oh well, no comments on the time-line in post 6 so far.

I must admit I am still in doubt - 1984 for the P 7700 seem a bit early, and it was in the Pioneer/Partner period.
Could it be that the change in E-lux serial number system took place after 1994, and that the stolen 7700 was made in 1994?

Well, I saw a picture of a Poulan Pro (in Partner dress) from 1994 yesterday, at Mange's web forum. Serial number started with 94.. , so the new numbering system must have been in effect by 1994. I guess that this confirms the partner 7700 in question must be from 1984. ;)

Does anyone know the power output for the 83 cc models of this type (2083 and 505)?
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ray benson said:
Maybe an email to Jonsereds or Husqvarna would confirm what you have found out. Is the Partner engineering group still in existence? Or was it swallowed up and disbanded after one of the mergers?
I took you're advice and called what little is left of Partner.
This did not give much.
Here is an interesting post on the 7000/7700
It will explain why there was a 7000/7700. There is different crankshafts made by Bofors I believe, this is because the 5000 did not run so good in cold.
First with "Air injection" ?

It didn't occur to me before this morning that the P 7700 might have been
the first saw with that feature. :blob2:

Until now, I have believed that the Husky 262xp was the first saw with "Air injection" ("Turbo" in Jonsered language). I believe it was released in 1989 maybe a little earlier. Rumors have said that it really was a Partner invention, but first released on a production saw, on the 262xp after E-lux takeover of Partner.

As the J. 2077 (1990) and 2083 (1994) both were designated "Turbo", and was based on the P 7700, I find it reasonable to believe that the 7700 had it too, and that saw was released several years before any other saw mentioned above (1983/-84).

Any thoughts on this?

Anyone able to tell us the facts?
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Update !

If anyone is interested in more info on this matter, just follow the link provided by Mange in post 13. :)

Edit january 2006;
The link doesn't work any more.
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Poulan Pro 475, 505 were J'Red's in disguise. Some were assembled in the USA. Herasd rumor that even some J'Red cylinders were built Stateside by Poulan Pro. Why not? They have a sister company that has great manufacturing capabilities, and can easily do it for economy of scale.

475 Stateside didn't have a decompression valve as standard which I think is one reason they didn't sell as well as they could have.
I have parts & IPL's for allk the "shared USA models" on Poulan, Poulan Pro, Pioneer, J'Reds, Husqvarna.

Partner 2077 was a J'Red. Nice saw. Would have been interesting to see how

Partner was back then the "Brain Trust" of Electrolux. Was.....operative word. Today they fall under E-Lux's OutDoor/Commercial group in the corporate hirearchy, and are the 'Power Cutter System' experts.

A retired Swede I knew, Leonard Gustoffsen (spelling?) was the visionary head, and developer of Partner growing the PC market in the US when almost no one thought it would ever be as big as it is. He did a remarkable job, and is a fine gentleman.

They're specified focus hasn't been for years on chain saws, etc., but they're the ones who share their info w/ J'Reds & H'varna), however they will keep the best product features for themselves initally when it come to Power Cutters, then share later.

Worldwide, the two giants,...Stihl & Partner battle it out year after year over who is #1 in Power Cutters (cut offs), with Dolmar being #3 having gained some market share from both of them with the newer PC's they came out with 3-4 years ago.

J'Reds was the first to intro the "Turbo" air filtration system, NOT Husqvarna who BORROWED it from J'Reds, and marketed it like it was theirs.
E-lux have since day one said that Husqvarna is number one, the rest is shared second..
Today I think they need to reconcider.
One thing to keep in mind is that when Partner was bought up in E-lux, the brand lost what walue it had. It is now in a big concern, that is in my opinion not a step forward.
E-lux calls the shots, there is no pro saw sold here atleast and I really doubt there is any at all. I have talked about this with partner or what is left of it.
This what they said.
Husqvarna and Jonsered is the only pro saws made by E-lux. the rest is farmer and hobby saws.
If you doubt this call and ask. I did.
Hmm, I'd guessed it was Partner who came up with that particular intake/filtration scheme...
Saw Man said:
Partner 2077 was a J'Red. Nice saw. Would have been interesting to see how ??????????????????????????

Hello, Saw Man. You are posting interesting info :) , but the quoted paragraph is not complete - what did you intend to state?
Anyway it was the J'red 2077 that was derived from the Partner 7700, wasn't it? I never heard of a Partner 2077. :dizzy:

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