Fellows, it's all over for CCD. They were repo'd by Husky thur. and fri. of last week.
Can't blame you guys for taking advantage of their prices, but you can't make money selling chains for $10.00 a loop. This is another example of a guy who moves lot's of equipment, wins awards and cruises, and then all of a sudden finds out that he's broke and has to shut his doors. It actually happens fairly often. You know the old saying, "we loose money on every sale but make it up in volume".
A little history here too. Even the name of that business, Commercial Cutters Direct, is a come on. The guy was just a dealer. No one was buying "direct". That was all BS.
Any dealer in the country could set up a website and sell stuff at razor thin margins and hope to move enough product to actually make some money. And for the guys who set one up early, it probably worked for a while. But at some point there are so many people doing it that your volume never gets to a level where there is any benefit to it. Of course there is plenty of benefit to Husky because it doesn't matter to them if the dealer is making money, until they get stiffed, which also happens fairly often.
Not to worry though as there will surely be another dope who will try to follow the same business model.