in my experience, the Stihl steel is very high quality.
That being said, I havent had problems with Husky bars either.
I have NOT liked all of the others, namely Carlton, or Oregon.
I have a regular (not titanium) GB bar, but I really havent run it enough to have formed an opinion.
So I guess what I am saying is that the Stihl bars, although really expensive, probably last long enough to make them worth the investment.
If you are willing to fork out for a replacement down the road, try the cheap bar, knowing that you might have to pony up in the future.
I have a super cheap laminated Carlton bar on my 346 xp, but all I do it cut small stuff with it, so it doesn't matter to me at all.
As far as chain goes, I like Baileys woodsman chain. I don't think Stihl is any better at holding an edge, it all depends what you are running it through.