I owe it all to Wiggs
That's my 044 Wiggs posted above and I'm proud to say I took his advice and tried the Meguiar's Tire Gel. He recommended Endurance Tire Gel, which I couldn't find, so I used Meguiar's Hot Shine Tire Gel which has worked out just fine. I just rubbed it on the old sun-faded plastic, no sanding, and as the photos show the results were very satisfactory for an $8 layout and 10 minutes work. After treating the 044, I still have enough gel left for about 100 saws--or I could dress my tires, I suppose, but I'm not really into that. I haven't done any serious cutting with the saw yet but it's sat around for 4 weeks or so and if anything the gel has soaked in more and the plastic looks great. I wanted to leave the original stickers in place and not try to sand around them, and this method of plastic restoration worked out just fine. I had contemplated buying new plastic because the saw originally looked so bad, but now--no way!
Big thanks again to Wigglesworth!! You da man!!!