cords of mystic memory
CONCORD, N.H. (Granite Press Associates) - With fuel oil prices at historically high levels, more and more Granite Staters are turning to wood heat. Strangely, this has resulted in a spate of fender benders on the state's highways and back roads. To nip this phenomenon in the bud, the General Court is taking action and the governor has said that this is a measure he is willing to afix his signature to.
"You see it all the time," said John Smith, a Belknap County police sargent. "Guys in pickups, driving around rubbernecking at trees taken down by the utilities and the road crews. I like free firewood as much as the next guy, but this is just plain dangerous."
To combat this threat, the state will enact a law creating a new moving violation which will take its place alongside DWI (Driving While Intoxicated). Dubbed DWDOW, the new provision will slap a hefty fine on motorists Driving While Daydreaming of Wood. Penalties are still being discussed in conference committee and details were not available at press time.
"There is a clear and present danger on our roadways," said Smith. "By having the tools to persecute DWDOW offenders, the state of New Hampshire has given public safety personnel the tools necessary to keep our families safe."
"You see it all the time," said John Smith, a Belknap County police sargent. "Guys in pickups, driving around rubbernecking at trees taken down by the utilities and the road crews. I like free firewood as much as the next guy, but this is just plain dangerous."
To combat this threat, the state will enact a law creating a new moving violation which will take its place alongside DWI (Driving While Intoxicated). Dubbed DWDOW, the new provision will slap a hefty fine on motorists Driving While Daydreaming of Wood. Penalties are still being discussed in conference committee and details were not available at press time.
"There is a clear and present danger on our roadways," said Smith. "By having the tools to persecute DWDOW offenders, the state of New Hampshire has given public safety personnel the tools necessary to keep our families safe."